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Old 07-30-2012, 10:31 AM
TyrusRCobb TyrusRCobb is offline
Adam Phillips
Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: Columbia, SC
Posts: 139

Originally Posted by JimStinson View Post
The Ball is not even close , Prove it to yourself. It appears that the writing was applied AFTER the ball was aged , shellacked, buttered, glazed or whatever that shine is on it , look at it under magnification, it will be ON TOP of that, then consider this in 1951 Ball point pens were relatively new and messy , they would throw off globs of ink, (spotting) easily visible around where the signature is. Look under a magnifying glass and you'll see what I'm talking about. My GUESS is that the ball might have been used in the game, a fan catches a foul ball and writes the name of his hero and the date he caught it on the ball years later
Oh. Wow. The ball point pen. That should have been glaringly obvious! Clearly, I have a WHOLE LOT to learn about collecting!
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