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Old 07-25-2012, 08:53 AM
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bmarlowe1 bmarlowe1 is offline
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Originally Posted by Frank A View Post
I have guns with 30 round magazines. So what? I don't go around shooting at people. This guy was a nut case, as are all who would kill another human being except in time of war. No sane person would shoot another. All killers are nuts. As has been said a million times, if it wasn't a gun it would have been some other way this guy would have done it. Why do I have guns with such firepower? Because the world is in big trouble and it's going to get a hell of a lot worse. The day will come in this country as all others that I may be happy to have them. I hope I'm wrong, for I sure as hell don"t want to have to use them for such a purpose. But no one should have the right to take them from me. They are there for protection if needed. Frank
Where would you draw the line on what you should be allowed to possess?
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