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Old 07-01-2012, 10:30 AM
Fuddjcal Fuddjcal is online now
Chuck Tapia
Join Date: May 2009
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Originally Posted by Mr. Zipper View Post
I think the same person who did the top Mantle may have done the Mantle with Williams pic. The "icky" "antle" is very similar. But he has been working on his Ms.
he needs to keep working...the overall autograph is a mess at first glance.... The first tip off is that Mickey would fill the jersey across perfectly with his signature.... on this one, there's a 1/2 gap where the forger started on the left. He then ran the autograph past the jersey on the right.....VERY UNMICKEY LIKE!!!It really is no better and YES, IT IS THE SAME FORGER WE HAVE BEEN SEEING FOR SOMETIME. The "Ma" is laughable as well. Another clue is that photo is almost exclusively used by forgers....I almost NEVER see an authentic Mantle with that pose. Much like the "pork chop finger pose" where he's pointing.....when you see those poses, run like rabbit with thorn in paw.

The Koufax is a typical Operation Bullpen with that stupid tail of the "S" right at the beginning that curls upward...Terrible forgery. Boy there is a lot of forgeries out there. I'm so glad I quit it. I still love spewing venom here though!
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