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Old 06-24-2012, 08:29 AM's Avatar is offline
Trae Regan
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: North Carolina
Posts: 926

Hi Greg, Steve, I appreciate you bringing this to my attention. I have an iPad 3 too and I see exactly what you mean. Unfortunately the code wasn't future-proof for the new iPad 3 Retina screen.

I'm no longer building apps with the technology that the T206 and T205 apps were built with and they don't make enough income to cover the $199 to $349 fee that it takes to renew the software license required to publish a fix for this issue.

Lastly, there's no way for me to tell the app store that iPad 3 shouldn't be able to use the application, so the only option would be to take it down completely from the app store.

I appreciate your purchase and I'm sorry to deliver the bad news. If you feel like a refund is appropriate in this case, please let me know your PayPal email address and I'll send it asap.

Thank you
Trae Regan
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