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Old 06-18-2012, 09:33 PM
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KyleTexas KyleTexas is offline
Kyle C.
Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Dallas/Ft. Worth area
Posts: 18

Nolan Ryan was born in 1947-retired in 1993 .. at 46. His last pitch was recorded at 98 mph.

Bob Beaman's long jump record stood for almost 23 years.

Before Beaman.. the long Jump record was held by Jesse Owens and he held it for 25 years.

It doesn't pay to hold on to naivety or cynicism with too much gusto.

Saying everyone juiced is like saying everyone who grew up in the 70s tripped on LSD at least once and that's not true. Did Ryan, Beaman, and Owens juice? ... doubtful.

Taking both possibilities into consideration is the fair route.

Clemens had a dominant arm, I saw that arm throw 99mph when he was 19 at The University of Texas... So he does a long stint in the majors where he puts that arm on display and earns enough to retire many times over. ... "but, but,but, then at the end he started juicing because he had some more to prove'" .. He wasn't a shoe in Hall of Famer at 38, 39, 40? There is no news of a Bankruptcy or Finance killing divorce in his late career.

Im not surprised by the decision today.. I think it was the right one. Did Clemens "Hell with you" attitude come from knowing he was innocent? Or did it come from arrogance? Bill Russell pretty much owned the "Hell with You" attitude during his playing days ... arrogant? .. or just mistrusting of the press and outsiders as a rarer, then, Black pro athlete in the era of civil rights?

A Congressman could never assume the same ilk as the Duke LaCrosse Team prosecutor .. right? A natural drum beater/grandstander would never get caught up in that right?

Lying to a Federal Official is a Felony .. I don't suppose any player who was caught doing that might try to cut a deal by making up a story about a "Bigger Fish" in an attempt to save himself some jail time... that could never happen...

Do I know if Clemens juiced ? No ... but I will say this. I believe his arm was of the caliber that if he took care of himself he certainly wouldn't have needed enhancement at 38, 39, 40, possibly 41 ... So did he hit 41,42 and then decide to go rogue?

Maybe someone should interview Olympic Swimmer Dara Torres and ask her what she thought about Clemens .. She won 3 Silvers in Beijing in 2008 at 41 years old. She'll be swimming at the Olympic Swimming Trials in Omaha attempting to make the 2012 Team 6 days from now at 45.

Last edited by KyleTexas; 06-18-2012 at 10:24 PM.
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