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Old 06-12-2012, 10:31 AM
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zljones zljones is offline
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Originally Posted by whitehse View Post
I have met a few people on this board in person and have even shaken the mighty Leon's hand a time or two at a few Nationals but I just want to say I am suing everyone for no other reason because my kid is a lawyer and he needs some work as things have been a bit slow for him.

Seriously, when did this hobby I have enjoyed for 40 years of my life turn into a freaking soap opera with a few true crime stories thrown into the mix. It seems nearly every message board I am a member of has a few members who like to mix it up and stir the pot with other members. Isnt fighting with your wife and kids enough that you have to come here and fight too?

I dont post here much but I visit these boards several times a day to see things I can never afford and learn about items that I hope someday to walk in and find in an antigue store that you guys have yet to hit. Cant we just leave the arguments and threats with our family and come here to escape and talk about a hobby that should keep us all occupied when we want to forget about life for awhile?

As for my all will be served very soon. Just dont answer the door when someone knocks REAL hard on it!