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vintagebaseballcardguy 12-17-2017 04:54 PM

Do you care much about today's NFL?
I haven't been around much lately and haven't been doing much football collecting. I did get back on the football card horse this afternoon with a few commons for the '65 Philly set I am going back to work on.

Lately I have been thinking :eek:. The football cards I collect tend to be from the 1960s. Someday I may work back farther in time, but I really like 60s football. Anyway, a lot of you guys collect prewar football, while others collect 70s, 80s, etc. No matter what era of football cards you collect, how much does your like/dislike of today's NFL impact your collecting? Or does it factor in at all?

I never expected it to happen, but I find myself caring about today's NFL less and less with every passing year. I am 44 and even five years ago, I would not have thought possible my borderline indifference to today's NFL. There are a few different reasons for that, and I DO NOT want this to turn into a debate on the issues like players not standing for the National Anthem and such. I come here to get away from reality and "news." This place is an escape for me.

I just always assumed my collecting tied in somehow with watching the games. However, I am finding that it is more about handling the cards, building sets, accomplishing something, etc. and remembering the names of old players more than it is about what is on tv these days.

This has turned into a ramble, and I am sorry about that. I will go back to where I started: does today's NFL have much of an impact on your collecting, or has collecting football for its own sake taken on a life of its own?

Kurri17 12-17-2017 05:59 PM

An interesting question. I don't collect modern football, and just casually follow today's NFL with no real favorite team. I find myself watching games/highlights from the '70s on youtube as well as a few classic games I have picked up on DVD.

My lack of real interest in today's game has not dampened my interest in vintage football though. It seems collecting and watching has become more of a nostalgic experience.

AFLfan 12-17-2017 06:08 PM

I have LOVE the AFL, and collecting my signed card sets, but I haven't watched an NFL game in 5-6 seasons, and see no change to that coming in the near future.

I feel that the game has become so corporate that it has taken away any chance of spontaneous fun. Couple that with the insane pricing structure at games, the seemingly endless stream of players acting like hoodlums, and the fact that my Chargers left San Diego, and I have no more interest. Give me football history all day long, but keep your contemporary NFL. I don't want it.

vintagebaseballcardguy 12-17-2017 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by AFLfan (Post 1730372)
I have LOVE the AFL, and collecting my signed card sets, but I haven't watched an NFL game in 5-6 seasons, and see no change to that coming in the near future.

I feel that the game has become so corporate that it has taken away any chance of spontaneous fun. Couple that with the insane pricing structure at games, the seemingly endless stream of players acting like hoodlums, and the fact that my Chargers left San Diego, and I have no more interest. Give me football history all day long, but keep your contemporary NFL. I don't want it.

I can relate to much of what you said, especially the Chargers angle. I am 44 years old and started cheering for the San Diego Chargers at age 8. Despite the fact that I live in Arkansas, the move just sucked out most of the life my NFL fandom had left. I take refuge in the way football used to be through old cardboard and books.

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vintagebaseballcardguy 12-17-2017 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by Kurri17 (Post 1730367)
An interesting question. I don't collect modern football, and just casually follow today's NFL with no real favorite team. I find myself watching games/highlights from the '70s on youtube as well as a few classic games I have picked up on DVD.

My lack of real interest in today's game has not dampened my interest in vintage football though. It seems collecting and watching has become more of a nostalgic experience.

Your last paragraph personifies a big part of what motivated me to start this thread. I am really curious to see if this is the prevailing attitude among collectors. It has become that way for me as well. Thanks for your reply. What about everyone else?

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kvnkvnkvn 12-17-2017 08:41 PM

Figgity fuk, fuk and triple fuk the NFL...Shit is a straight up soap opera and they got dudes roped in like a mo fo...

Criminals hailed as gods, over sexaulized females advertised directly to our eyeballs, poisons peddled directly to our youth in 30 second increments, blatant blind patriotism conditioning the weak through every screen, stadiums burden cities, fans fight and kill each other, same shit, different year, different name.

And quite frankly I don't need to watch stage show monkeys do 3 pirouettes, 2 booty shakes and an arm extension every time they get a first down...

NFL is beneath me. 6ish games in 3 years, none this year and just committed to not watching the Super Bowl today...That's the biggest farce of it all...

silvor 12-17-2017 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by AFLfan (Post 1730372)
I feel that the game has become so corporate that it has taken away any chance of spontaneous fun. Couple that with the insane pricing structure at games, the seemingly endless stream of players acting like hoodlums, and the fact that my Chargers left San Diego, and I have no more interest. Give me football history all day long, but keep your contemporary NFL. I don't want it.

I just saw the open to tonight's game with the video package with Carrie Underwood. It was so slick and over the top :(

But, EVERTYHING is supersize now. Houses, cars, youth sports. I could go on.

jefferyepayne 12-18-2017 06:40 AM

I collect vintage football because it reminds me of my youth and I love the history of the sport. I don't associate collecting with watching sports on TV as I don't collect modern things. In fact, I associate watching football much more with fantasy football! I think they are very much tied together now.

I do watch a lot of NFL games, though. Even thought it has changed considerably and there are certainly aspects of it that are less than desirable, when a great game is played (like yesterday's Pats / Steelers game), I still really enjoy it. Except for that bogus catch rule the NFL has that needs to be changed!

Plus I'm resisting the urge to become that old man shaking his fist at the sea. Things change in the world and older generations have been complaining about younger generations and their style/habits for thousands of years. I just don't get worked up about it.


TanksAndSpartans 12-18-2017 08:09 AM


Originally Posted by jefferyepayne (Post 1730476)
In fact, I associate watching football much more with fantasy football! I think they are very much tied together now.

Same as Jeff for me. Not sure if others have found this, but as I've gotten older with family commitments etc., I don't have that passion for a "favorite team" anymore. I'm finally in a fantasy leauge with some folks I know though and like monitoring my team for bragging rights :)

I don't think anything that could happen in today's NFL would diminish my interest in the history of the game, players who played for the love of it, weren't paid much, etc. Football can be a nice entertainment option for Fall/Winter weekends, but collecting, reading/writing about history is actually more flexible and can be done on a random Wednesday night in May as easily as a November Sunday afternoon.

Leon 12-18-2017 09:11 AM


Originally Posted by kvnkvnkvn (Post 1730404)
Figgity fuk, fuk and triple fuk the NFL...Shit is a straight up soap opera and they got dudes roped in like a mo fo...

Criminals hailed as gods, over sexaulized females advertised directly to our eyeballs, poisons peddled directly to our youth in 30 second increments, blatant blind patriotism conditioning the weak through every screen, stadiums burden cities, fans fight and kill each other, same shit, different year, different name.

And quite frankly I don't need to watch stage show monkeys do 3 pirouettes, 2 booty shakes and an arm extension every time they get a first down...

NFL is beneath me. 6ish games in 3 years, none this year and just committed to not watching the Super Bowl today...That's the biggest farce of it all...

LOL. I can't stand it either. I chastise my wife when she watches it. I hope it dies a sudden death but know it won't. Every single player that kneels during the National Anthem should have been permanently banned immediately. Let them get a job where they have to use their intelligence. My guess is most would stay unemployed. When I set up at the Philly Show I asked a few friends about the situation. They mostly felt the same way, but then they were veterans too. I honestly don't know why or how anyone watches those thugs any longer.

cfhofer 12-18-2017 09:36 AM

Great topic!

Yes, the current state of the NFL had a direct effect on my football collecting. For the last several years I have exclusively collected 19th century Ivy League football memorabilia. As many know, American Football began on those exclusive college campuses. The vast majority of student athletes played the game back then just to represent their alma mater. A robust and brawny body became an important part of the masculine ideal then and football exemplified this trait. The best athletes were also honorable men, who went on to become soldiers, doctors, lawyers, clergymen, congressmen and even President of the United States. These are the athletes worthy of my recognition and collecting focus. Football players today have nothing in common with those early pioneers.

kvnkvnkvn 12-18-2017 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by Leon (Post 1730519)
Every single player that kneels during the National Anthem should have been permanently banned immediately. Let them get a job where they have to use their intelligence.

Although, I used Leon's quote to start this off, this ain't directed at him. This for everyone's mind. hahah

The National Anthem shouldn't even be played at sporting events. The U.S. flag represents the death of millions of people at the expense of each of our hands. The anthem itself is about death and destruction.

The military pays the NFL to pump all that patriotic bullshit down the drones watching. Human drones, not the drones we as a country send to kill innocent families.

Blind patriotism is conditioned through television screens all over this country and it is disgusting...It is sickening...

If you still think wars are fought for freedom, think again...Oil, resources, drugs, power, and money. Those are the primary factors for war.

Do you think it is a coincidence that we are stuck in Afghanistan? Look how much opium is over there, now look at the opium epidemic throughout our country. Hmmm...

Look back on how the U.S. trained Bin Laden, now look how many times these radical groups have somehow got U.S. weapons. That seems to be a cycle...

We give a shitload of money to Israel and do you know what is really going on over there? Palestinian people aren't being treated very nicely. Look into how much natural gas is over in that region. Hmmm...

Damn, I didn't think I was going to piss you guys off till later tonight, when I posted a link to my new website that throws a nice shot at this forum. All in good fun of course. hahahahahahahhahah

jefferyepayne 12-18-2017 02:55 PM

Well, I think this thread has officially gone off the rails. Understand all points of view but would suggest we keep away from the politics and focus on leatherheads!


vintagebaseballcardguy 12-18-2017 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by jefferyepayne (Post 1730620)
Well, I think this thread has officially gone off the rails. Understand all points of view but would suggest we keep away from the politics and focus on leatherheads!


Jeff, I agree. I indicated my wish for this not to happen in my original post. This is my happy place, let's not muck it up! :)

So, to take this thread back to its original intent, it looks like the general consensus is that most football card/memorabilia collectors do not take today's NFL much into account as they collect. This is what I suspected, but it has been insightful reading the responses thus far. The history of the game and basic love of collecting it are paramount. For me, it is as simple as loving to reminisce about old players, old uniforms, and the old stadiums in the background of the cards. As I have mentioned in past threads, 60s football satisfies my completionist gene, as those sets are pretty attainable for me. It must have been an exciting era! Someday, I will probably work on some 50s sets. Either way, my feelings toward what happens in today's NFL doesn't effect my football collecting. I guess if anything, it makes me draw closer to the old stuff. Jeff, I am not in the leather helmet era yet, but maybe someday!

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Hot Springs Bathers 12-18-2017 05:27 PM

Robert it is a great thread and I think a lot of us think about this stuff all the time. I thought about abandoning football collecting but I took a step back and enjoy the teams of my youth which was much earlier than yours and keep going.

I still love the college game a bit more than the NFL even in a collecting sense because in the 50's and the 60's the Razorbacks seemed more real to me than the Packers and were in our papers each day. By 1962 I had discovered the NFL and AFL. My first pro game was the Chargers and the Oilers in Little Rock in 1964.

As far as what goes on today, I believe the college game is just as messy as the NFL. I've often said if you don't think your school is cheating think again.

Collecting is for fun and while engaging some people (person) on this forum might seem appropriate, ignoring them and their project seems more appropriate. Hope to see you again soon.

vintagebaseballcardguy 12-18-2017 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by Hot Springs Bathers (Post 1730664)
Robert it is a great thread and I think a lot of us think about this stuff all the time. I thought about abandoning football collecting but I took a step back and enjoy the teams of my youth which was much earlier than yours and keep going.

I still love the college game a bit more than the NFL even in a collecting sense because in the 50's and the 60's the Razorbacks seemed more real to me than the Packers and were in our papers each day. By 1962 I had discovered the NFL and AFL. My first pro game was the Chargers and the Oilers in Little Rock in 1964.

As far as what goes on today, I believe the college game is just as messy as the NFL. I've often said if you don't think your school is cheating think again.

Collecting is for fun and while engaging some people (person) on this forum might seem appropriate, ignoring them and their project seems more appropriate. Hope to see you again soon.

I agree with you on many levels! Woo Pig Sooie!

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kvnkvnkvn 12-18-2017 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by Hot Springs Bathers (Post 1730664)
Collecting is for fun and while engaging some people (person) on this forum might seem appropriate, ignoring them and their project seems more appropriate.

1. Addressing me is not ignoring (me). I don't give a shit if you look at my site or not...

2. I am sure nobody wants to engage in a thought provoking discussion on how we could actually change something...Most of you probably watch the drive by media and actually think you are informed.

Keep supporting a murder flag...Blind patriotism is leading to our country being stolen right from under us...

Keep being ultra petty and getting bent out of shape for any little thing. It is comical to me...

Guess this dude lives by the quote... hahahahaha

jefferyepayne 12-18-2017 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by vintagebaseballcardguy (Post 1730673)
I agree with you on many levels! Woo Pig Sooie!

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Did you guys watch the A Football Life on Jerry Jones? Thought it was well done and interesting to see the ebbs and flows of his relationship with fellow Razorback Jimmy Johnson.


vintagebaseballcardguy 12-18-2017 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by jefferyepayne (Post 1730698)
Did you guys watch the A Football Life on Jerry Jones? Thought it was well done and interesting to see the ebbs and flows of his relationship with fellow Razorback Jimmy Johnson.



No, I haven't seen that one. Must be about the only one I haven't watched. The definition of a level 5 leader is being someone who doesn't care who gets the credit. Jerry missed that part.

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jefferyepayne 12-18-2017 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by vintagebaseballcardguy (Post 1730700)

No, I haven't seen that one. Must be about the only one I haven't watched. The definition of a level 5 leader is being someone who doesn't care who gets the credit. Jerry missed that part.

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He atones for it in the episode and admits he screwed up.


jefferyepayne 12-18-2017 06:59 PM


Originally Posted by kvnkvnkvn (Post 1730533)
Damn, I didn't think I was going to piss you guys off till later tonight, when I posted a link to my new website that throws a nice shot at this forum. All in good fun of course. hahahahahahahhahah

I'd love to see your site K. Mitchell. How do I access it?


kvnkvnkvn 12-18-2017 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by jefferyepayne (Post 1730724)
I'd love to see your site K. Mitchell. How do I access it?


I have a thread floating around on here with all the links...But I will throw it on this one as well...


vintagebaseballcardguy 12-18-2017 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by jefferyepayne (Post 1730718)
He atones for it in the episode and admits he screwed up.


Now THAT is personal growth! Wow! They had a good thing going. I will look for it to watch it.

Do you ever watch the Timeline series?

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Hot Springs Bathers 12-18-2017 08:58 PM

Jeff there is a great (maybe just for Arkansas fans) show that has played on both the various ESPNs and the SEC Network titled "Before They Were Cowboys" about their relationship.

It goes in depth on their time together at Arkansas and their careers up to and beyond their falling out. It also brings the Switzer connection into the equation. Very well done.

The show leads up the 2014 reunion of the 1964 National Championship team when they both joined their teammates for the first time in years. Jimmy still holds quite a grudge about never being offered the Arkansas job pre-Miami days.

mmier118 12-22-2017 08:28 AM

I thought I’d chime in, I love watching today’s game. Fantasy football keeps me interested and for those of you that haven’t tried it I recommend it. It’s worth trying, I used to make fun of it so if that is your inclination I understand but once I started playing it really does help with my interest in the current game. I also happen to live in Las Vegas so betting on the games keeps me interested as well. I understand that most of the country can’t do that legally and I honestly think that hurts interest since a lot of games that are no longer relevant from a who’s going to win perspective can still be interesting as to who will cover.

Also there have been some great games this year, and the superbowl race is wide open. It’s a shame there have been some major injuries to star players this year and yes that has hurt my interest a little but to say that today’s game isn’t as exciting as it was in the 1960’s just isn’t correct in my opinion. Yes, it’s way more commercialized but it’s still great football. I understand that collecting is a way to connect to our youth but for me that’s picking up 1989 score Barry Sanders cards or 1986 rice cards. The reason I buy chicle’s, mayo’s and early leaf and bowman is an appreciation of the pioneers of the sport and the reason i pick up Tom brady, Carson Wentz, Levon bell, Todd Guley, joey bosa and Jalen ramsey etc. is they are just flat out exciting to watch on Sunday. My appreciation for older cards comes from a direct appreciation of today’s game, it’s also nice that football cards seem to sell for much less than their baseball counterparts so I can put together a nice collection over time without breaking the bank. A 1952 mantle is out of my price range but a 1958 brown or 1957 Unitas is not, even a 1935 nagurski isn’t any more expensive then a ruth of that era.

bauce 12-22-2017 08:40 AM

The officiating has gone to crap. Games are not watchable anymore. There is always that one team that gets away with murder while all the other teams are penalized for doing the exact same thing. It has been going downhill this way for a few years and it is becoming just as bad as having the replacement refs.

Bigshot69 12-23-2017 10:21 AM

Without fantasy football, pro football is practically unwatchable, however, without pro football there is no college football, and I love college football.

I blame Roger Goodell. Some other members made great points about the poor officiating and the National anthem debacle. Ray Rice gets 2 games for felony assault and Ezekiel Elliott gets 6 games for when the NFL investigator thought the evidence was flimsy at best. So many double standards, power trips, and pissing matches it’s hard to keep track. How this jackass makes $50 mil a year for being awful at his job just blows my mind.

steve B 12-23-2017 03:15 PM

Unlike many, I've come to enjoy football more over the years.

I started watching around 1973-4 just in time for the Dolphins unbeaten season.
The game has changed, and it's changed several times over the years. Not always for the better, but sometimes.
Like it or not, the entire sport is passing happy. But happily that's led to some interesting things.
The quarterbacks have become a bit more important, and while the really good ones always were, the last several years have shown us an era with a nice selection of truly excellent quarterbacks.
1975 only one team had more than 3000 passing yards.
2016 only two teams didn't have more than 3000 passing yards.

1975 the average comp % was 52.5% and the best was 63%
2016 the average was 63% and the best 70.4

Think about that a minute the average guy your favorite team would replace as soon as they found someone better is by many stats Fran Tarkenton. :eek:

Even guys who have a hard time holding a job now are actually not bad at all. That's one of the recent developments that I don't like, the degree of pointless player movement. (And to some extent the lack of patience with coaches)

I watch a lot of the behind the scenes sort of shows, especially if it's the Patriots. The amount of stuff the players have to memorize, and the short time they have to do it is pretty amazing. I think the days of the athletic but not so smart player are long gone. (Note, I don't count making really stupid personal choices as smart of dumb as far as the on-field stuff goes. )

I really am starting to like Romo as a commentator. The times during the Pats Steelers game where he was pointing out things like " they line up this way, and the coverage of that one guy is by a linebacker, so this is the coverage type" I think is really interesting.
And that's a guy who couldn't keep his job as a starting QB. - mostly too injured, too expensive, but over 5-6 plays he wasn't wrong once.

And - even as a Pats fan, to me that was a catch and touchdown. ( and why do I abbreviate the name? I'm not usually a fan of that stuff, but I find myself doing it???? )

So much I could say about some of the other opinions, but they're opinions. Lets just say that we're all free to watch or not watch, just as the players are free to stand or kneel. And if we truly hate the US, unlike in the former East Germany, we're free to go to whatever country will have us. Just check if they're generally ok with saying the government sucks, some places get really hacked off about that.

Il Padrino 12-24-2017 04:59 AM


Originally Posted by kvnkvnkvn (Post 1730404)
Figgity fuk, fuk and triple fuk the NFL...Shit is a straight up soap opera and they got dudes roped in like a mo fo...

Criminals hailed as gods, over sexaulized females advertised directly to our eyeballs, poisons peddled directly to our youth in 30 second increments, blatant blind patriotism conditioning the weak through every screen, stadiums burden cities, fans fight and kill each other, same shit, different year, different name.

And quite frankly I don't need to watch stage show monkeys do 3 pirouettes, 2 booty shakes and an arm extension every time they get a first down...

NFL is beneath me. 6ish games in 3 years, none this year and just committed to not watching the Super Bowl today...That's the biggest farce of it all...

Is it too much for me to declare that I believe we are long lost brothers?

Screw the NFL and screw the NBA while we're at it. Not long ago the NFL and NBA had me in their tight grasp and I felt as if I could not miss one single minute of my team playing and that includes the fact that I am 6-hours ahead of EST so an 8 PM game comes on at 2 AM here... no longer. When that POS KrapErnick took a knee and so many followed suit in both leagues via various disgusting displays against what it fully means (to me) to be an American = I said to hell with them all. I haven't watched a single game from either league this year and have zero intention of ever doing so again plus I try very hard to not even buy products from companies that support either league; I simply do not care to support a league full of overpaid babies that use their uniform to make a stand. Frankly I don't give two-shits what they do outside of work but do NOT bring that crap my way when I am trying to relax and watch a professional sporting event.

Some say "oh, they are just applying their 1st Amendment rights... blah blah blah" but the fact remains that this would of course be OK if they were OFF THE CLOCK. As Kaepernick made his statement by what he did not do; stand for The National Anthem. He failed to realize that the only thing that was his was he himself and the talent that he possessed at that time. Not the cleats on his feet, not the helmet at his side, not a single thread of uniform apparel shy perhaps his jock supporter and socks… not one thing. When traveling for the team he boards team chartered airplanes and buses, he stays in hotels paid for by his team, and so on and when they are on their home field he parks his expensive car in team protective parking, uses their showers, puts on their uniform, and in all senses represents completely and fully the team not thyself. He therefore loses the right to represent any one single aspect of what his own self represents on the outside of all of this while on team property or within the constraints of traveling for said team because he does not represent self; he represents the team. Of course he is free, in accordance with his 1st Amendment rights, to do whatever the hell he wants when not associated with the team or the NFL. Conversely the team(s), the NFL, and the fans, have every right to not approve of him as a person or of his actions and can decide if the individual is worthy of donning team apparel and they owe no one an answer as to why they feel he is not. This applies from a fan perspective where I do not have to support their acts and simply refuse to.

Our military, police, fire, and countless other entities of professional standards are held to very tight rules about protesting. Put on a uniform and you might as well forget it or risk your career and quite possibly legal responses to the individual using their professional standing to advance their personal causes.

Some say that these guys are just “entertainers” and I’d tend to agree BUT they also put on that uniform and agree that they are part of a team, an organization, and a league that is bigger than just the single entity. Musicians are free to declare their personal message and are not in any way similar to athletes because of the affiliation to higher entities that is unless they oppose their higher management or the President during the wrong timeframe – just ask the Dixie Chicks band when their entire career tanked because of their comments. So a time and a place even for those without restrictions…

People go to athletic events to see the spectacle and to not have to debate “what the hell is the issue with that person” or similar. Just play the game, collect your multi-million dollar salaries, and protest on your own time and while not in uniform.

bmattioli 12-24-2017 08:52 AM

Other than the disrespectful kneeling I still watch and follow the NFL. I'll always love watching the Patriots win and Jets lose..

midwaylandscaping 12-24-2017 03:49 PM

Oh, I'll always watch. Though the sport is night and day different than what it was back in my first year watching in 1978. As for collecting, no moderns to speak of it. Finally started dabbling in football HOF rookies from the 50's - 70's. There's tremendous value in football cards from that era IMO :)

supplex55 12-28-2017 06:40 PM

Will always love football, but will also admit that the blush is off the rose. I love my vintage stuff, but stopped collecting in the early 2000's due to manufactured scarcity in the hobby and disillusion with my beloved Raiders signing guys whom i could not stand (Sapp, Moss and Romanowski). I found myself unable to cheer for them any longer and let my season tickets lapse. I actually get more enjoyment lately watching college football. While i doubt I will ever let go of my vintage football cards, I rarely purchase modern cards anymore.

PowderedH2O 12-28-2017 08:23 PM

I tried to collect one year after Topps got out of making football cards. The chase cards to complete standard sets was just too much. So, it appears that I am no longer collecting new stuff. But, that is because of card manufacturers trying to suck the last penny out of me, not because of the game. I still love the game.

jefferyepayne 12-29-2017 07:28 AM


Originally Posted by PowderedH2O (Post 1733577)
I tried to collect one year after Topps got out of making football cards. The chase cards to complete standard sets was just too much. So, it appears that I am no longer collecting new stuff. But, that is because of card manufacturers trying to suck the last penny out of me, not because of the game. I still love the game.

Same for me, Sam. When Topps stopped, I stopped.


Leon 12-29-2017 07:39 AM

A lot of what you said here, I think is total BS. :)
Last time I checked, when you lose a war that you started (Palestinians) you don't get to pick your spot any longer. That is because you lost. Time to move on LOL......BTW Pro Football still sucks bad. College and HS football are fun to watch.


Originally Posted by kvnkvnkvn (Post 1730533)
Although, I used Leon's quote to start this off, this ain't directed at him. This for everyone's mind. hahah

The National Anthem shouldn't even be played at sporting events. The U.S. flag represents the death of millions of people at the expense of each of our hands. The anthem itself is about death and destruction.

The military pays the NFL to pump all that patriotic bullshit down the drones watching. Human drones, not the drones we as a country send to kill innocent families.

Blind patriotism is conditioned through television screens all over this country and it is disgusting...It is sickening...

If you still think wars are fought for freedom, think again...Oil, resources, drugs, power, and money. Those are the primary factors for war.

Do you think it is a coincidence that we are stuck in Afghanistan? Look how much opium is over there, now look at the opium epidemic throughout our country. Hmmm...

Look back on how the U.S. trained Bin Laden, now look how many times these radical groups have somehow got U.S. weapons. That seems to be a cycle...

We give a shitload of money to Israel and do you know what is really going on over there? Palestinian people aren't being treated very nicely. Look into how much natural gas is over in that region. Hmmm...

Damn, I didn't think I was going to piss you guys off till later tonight, when I posted a link to my new website that throws a nice shot at this forum. All in good fun of course. hahahahahahahhahah

kvnkvnkvn 12-29-2017 09:23 AM


Originally Posted by Leon (Post 1733627)
A lot of what you said here, I think is total BS. :)

I was leaving this thread alone, and quite frankly staying away from this museum for the most part...

But since Leon needs a little explanation, and obviously wants to get some mischief going, I guess I'm game. hahahah


The National Anthem shouldn't even be played at sporting events. The U.S. flag represents the death of millions of people at the expense of each of our hands. The anthem itself is about death and destruction.

The US has killed many innocent people. That is a fact. I am also saying the flag is political, and anything political should not be involved with sporting events...

Blind patriotism is conditioned through television screens all over this country.

This is absolutely fact. Look how much money the military spends on advertisements and special events at these games.

If you still think wars are fought for freedom, think again...Oil, resources, drugs, power, and money. Those are the primary factors for war.

I guess this could be debated, but come on. When corporations end up on both sides of a war, something is fishy...

Do you think it is a coincidence that we are stuck in Afghanistan? Look how much opium is over there, now look at the opium epidemic throughout our country.

Opinion right now, but don't be surprised in 20 years when this turns out to be true....

Look back on how the U.S. trained Bin Laden, now look how many times these radical groups have somehow got U.S. weapons. That seems to be a cycle...

This is an absolute fact. We definitely trained Bin Laden.

We give a shitload of money to Israel and do you know what is really going on over there? Palestinian people aren't being treated very nicely. Look into how much natural gas is over in that region. Hmmm...

This is a sticky situation here. I would refer to Abby Martins reporting on this situation. Some really good insight from her. I just don't like the amount of money we provide to Israel every year. Plus, it is a fact that there is tons on natural gas over there...

You guys can think what you want. But, if the only source of your information is coming from mainstream media outlets, including the web, newspapers and television, you are being misinformed immensely. The mainstream media cannot be trusted. That is a fact.

vintagebaseballcardguy 12-29-2017 05:30 PM

I started this thread and have reflected on my thoughts since. It is hard to explain, but my overall interest in the NFL had started to wane even before the kneeling and associated stuff. I don't know, maybe it is just a product of raising kids, having a career, and just not having the time I used to have. My passion for my favorite team really focuses on the past and not the present so there isn't always that drive to tune in and watch them either. Fantasy football does it for some, but I just don't have any interest in that.

I think what it comes down to is that I am far more interested in collecting than I am in watching. The two don't necessarily have to go hand in hand unless one collects exclusively modern cards and memorabilia, I suppose.

Over the last couple of years, I have developed an interest in vintage photography. It is, for me at least, an exciting new outlet. I really enjoy the images, many of which are truly unique. Now the last year and a half, my desire to collect football (especially but not exclusively AFL) has surfaced, and I am having a lot of fun. Within the last week or so, these two interests have started to merge, and fun times are ahead! :) Neither of these pursuits, I am finding, take my current feelings towards the NFL into account. The interests fed by my collecting truly stand on their own.

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Leon 12-29-2017 07:22 PM

ok Kevin, you win. :) I am back to the baseball card side. And to get back to topic, I still don't care for the NFL but then again, haven't liked it in about 20 yrs or so....

jefferyepayne 12-29-2017 07:24 PM


Originally Posted by vintagebaseballcardguy (Post 1733825)
Over the last couple of years, I have developed an interest in vintage photography. It is, for me at least, an exciting new outlet. I really enjoy the images, many of which are truly unique. Now the last year and a half, my desire to collect football (especially but not exclusively AFL) has surfaced, and I am having a lot of fun. Within the last week or so, these two interests have started to merge, and fun times are ahead! :) Neither of these pursuits, I am finding, take my current feelings towards the NFL into account. The interests fed by my collecting truly stand on their own.

That's an awesome area to explore, Robert. In my opinion vintage football photos are waaaay undervalued. You can find images that were used to create football cards, images of early stars that had no cards at all, images of famous teams, game action photos, etc.


vintagebaseballcardguy 12-29-2017 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by jefferyepayne (Post 1733857)
That's an awesome area to explore, Robert. In my opinion vintage football photos are waaaay undervalued. You can find images that were used to create football cards, images of early stars that had not cards at all, images of famous teams, game action photos, etc.


Thanks, Jeff. I will always collect cards, but I find the photographs to be a nice change of pace. I especially like the game action shots...Kind of little moments frozen in time. The images used to make cards can be cool also. Like my card collecting interests, I am especially into the AFL, but this niche will allow me to go farther back, too. I am also drawn to photographs from the 1920s, 1930s and so on which simply capture game action on a football field of no one in particular. .just the game.

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jefferyepayne 12-30-2017 05:26 AM


Originally Posted by vintagebaseballcardguy (Post 1733864)
Thanks, Jeff. I will always collect cards, but I find the photographs to be a nice change of pace. I especially like the game action shots...Kind of little moments frozen in time. The images used to make cards can be cool also. Like my card collecting interests, I am especially into the AFL, but this niche will allow me to go farther back, too. I am also drawn to photographs from the 1920s, 1930s and so on which simply capture game action on a football field of no one in particular. .just the game.

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

It IS a moment frozen in time! Game action shots rock. Football game action photos / newswires would be a great new thread.


toppsman 12-30-2017 07:38 AM


Originally Posted by kvnkvnkvn (Post 1733654)

... You guys can think what you want. But, if the only source of your information is coming from mainstream media outlets, including the web, newspapers and television, you are being misinformed immensely. The mainstream media cannot be trusted. That is a fact.

I don't agree with many opinions in this thread, many I do, I just don't know that I want to argue them here, but I strongly agree with this quoted part.

Corporations want to lead you by the nose, and media is just another product and method to increase the bottom line. There was a Fairness Doctrine, but it's time probably passed with the decline of the dominance of broadcast TV.

It takes an effort to be informed in a pluralistic democracy such as we have in today's world. Now there seems to a problem of filtering, rather than availability of news and opinion.

I recommend Free Speech TV (FSTV). Because I like diversity I wish it was bit more influential and larger as most have never heard of it.

Even PBS is somewhat influenced by big money (Koch Bros.) Read Dark Money by Jane Mayer for more on that if desired (another tangent).

And I live and breathe college and pro football, old and new (I liked ESPN Classic Sport's old grainy tape of muddy fields and old building of the sixties even) Who can forget John Facenda's voice, for example?

Netflix for me has been for summer after basketball, and before football starts.

vintagebaseballcardguy 12-30-2017 07:54 AM


Originally Posted by jefferyepayne (Post 1733936)
It IS a moment frozen in time! Game action shots rock. Football game action photos / newswires would be a great new thread.


Good idea, Jeff. I will have some 1960s material in my hands soon and will be more than happy to show it off. ;)

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BigRedOne 04-07-2018 10:40 AM


Originally Posted by kvnkvnkvn (Post 1733654)
I was leaving this thread alone, and quite frankly staying away from this museum for the most part...

But since Leon needs a little explanation, and obviously wants to get some mischief going, I guess I'm game. hahahah


The National Anthem shouldn't even be played at sporting events. The U.S. flag represents the death of millions of people at the expense of each of our hands. The anthem itself is about death and destruction.

The US has killed many innocent people. That is a fact. I am also saying the flag is political, and anything political should not be involved with sporting events...

Blind patriotism is conditioned through television screens all over this country.

This is absolutely fact. Look how much money the military spends on advertisements and special events at these games.

If you still think wars are fought for freedom, think again...Oil, resources, drugs, power, and money. Those are the primary factors for war.

I guess this could be debated, but come on. When corporations end up on both sides of a war, something is fishy...

Do you think it is a coincidence that we are stuck in Afghanistan? Look how much opium is over there, now look at the opium epidemic throughout our country.

Opinion right now, but don't be surprised in 20 years when this turns out to be true....

Look back on how the U.S. trained Bin Laden, now look how many times these radical groups have somehow got U.S. weapons. That seems to be a cycle...

This is an absolute fact. We definitely trained Bin Laden.

We give a shitload of money to Israel and do you know what is really going on over there? Palestinian people aren't being treated very nicely. Look into how much natural gas is over in that region. Hmmm...

This is a sticky situation here. I would refer to Abby Martins reporting on this situation. Some really good insight from her. I just don't like the amount of money we provide to Israel every year. Plus, it is a fact that there is tons on natural gas over there...

You guys can think what you want. But, if the only source of your information is coming from mainstream media outlets, including the web, newspapers and television, you are being misinformed immensely. The mainstream media cannot be trusted. That is a fact.

Its a shame our fighting men and women lay their lives' on the line every day to ensure the freedoms we enjoy in this country, only to have misguided dolts like this guy use those very freedoms to spew their disrespectful anti-America self righteous bullshit.

The America Flag is an unbiased symbol of the Freedom our Nation has fought to preserve for well over 200 years. It has NO political affiliations.

Its people like YOU and these NFL players who try to selfishly use it as a political crutch in order to support their own Self-Righteous agenda's and narratives. I can't think of anything more disgraceful and cowardly.

I would also suggest that YOU quit using Oil and other natural resources to support your way of life. You might also want to quit your job(If you have one) as well as trying to peddle cards for profit and money to avoid being the self-righteous hypocrite you are.

You made One statement that had any merit at all, that the Mainstream media is often slanted and often dishonest, but if the alternative is the absolutely out of touch with reality non-sense coming out of your mouth, I will gladly stay with the Media.

Our Democracy is not without it's flaws, but it is most certainly miles ahead of anything else out there. Please feel free to move to a country of your choosing where you will be less offended. The Symbol of Freedom (The American Flag), allows you to leave on your own free will.

I apologize to the OP, as I know he requested that we stay on topic and not go down this road, but this kind of Moronic crap can't go unchecked.

kvnkvnkvn 04-07-2018 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by BigRedOne (Post 1765243)
Its a shame our fighting men and women lay their lives' on the line every day to ensure the freedoms we enjoy in this country, only to have misguided dolts like this guy use those very freedoms to spew their disrespectful anti-America self righteous bullshit.

God Bless America. hahahahahahaha

The America Flag is an unbiased symbol of the Freedom our Nation has fought to preserve for well over 200 years. It has NO political affiliations. America itself is a political affiliation.

It once stood for freedom, not sure if that is the case anymore.

Its people like YOU and these NFL players who try to selfishly use it as a political crutch in order to support their own Self-Righteous agenda's and narratives. I can't think of anything more disgraceful and cowardly.

What agenda, to stop wars for profit? Sorry for being so self righteous.

I would also suggest that YOU quit using Oil and other natural resources to support your way of life. You might also want to quit your job(If you have one) as well as trying to peddle cards for profit and money to avoid being the self-righteous hypocrite you are.

I would love to transition towards a Venus Project concept. I will gladly give up any of that stuff to make that change.

You made One statement that had any merit at all, that the Mainstream media is often slanted and often dishonest, but if the alternative is the absolutely out of touch with reality non-sense coming out of your mouth, I will gladly stay with the Media.

Okay. Go ahead, you are only hurting yourself.

Our Democracy is not without it's flaws, but it is most certainly miles ahead of anything else out there. Please feel free to move to a country of your choosing where you will be less offended. The Symbol of Freedom (The American Flag), allows you to leave on your own free will.

Agreed, we are miles ahead of most. Why should I have to move. It should be the filthy lobbyists and politicians. They are the ones destroying the country.

I apologize to the OP, as I know he requested that we stay on topic and not go down this road, but this kind of Moronic crap can't go unchecked.
Hello Leon, sure you will be checking in on this one...

BigRedOne 04-07-2018 02:54 PM

How about ya just stay on topic and spare the board anymore of your stupidity.

John Clayes

ronniehatesjazz 04-07-2018 03:54 PM

I collected NFL cards when I was a kid but have no interest now. Their careers are just too short to get excited about an individual and it's becoming more and more of a team sport, which is perhaps a good thing for the game but bad for collecting. Like many who posted earlier, I too also have become less and less interested in football due to off-the-field issues so maybe that's part of it also.

kvnkvnkvn 04-07-2018 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by BigRedOne (Post 1765341)
How about ya just stay on topic and spare the board anymore of your stupidity.

John Clayes

You brought this thread back to life jerkoff...

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