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Archive 10-02-2001 04:19 PM

SCD 2002 Guide
Posted By: <b>Vognar Julie</b><p>They are BACK ORDERED at SCD. Never happened to me before. Does this mean we are all rich?<BR><BR>Haven't checked<BR><BR> Julie

Archive 10-02-2001 07:49 PM

SCD 2002 Guide
Posted By: <b>leon</b><p>Ordered mine yesterday and was not told it was on backorder.....maybe I got the last one...if so ..sorry....if not then I guess we both regards

Archive 10-03-2001 10:35 AM

SCD 2002 Guide
Posted By: <b>runscott</b><p>Amazon mailed mine yesterday

Archive 10-04-2001 08:31 PM

SCD 2002 Guide
Posted By: <b>Vognar Julie</b><p>Been reading it ever since. Why won't the @#$%^$# Astros pitch to Bonds? He's up again. WOW! I hate to say this,but thank God the Astros have a black pitcher, and the Giants had a 9-1 lead.O.K, so jump all over me.<BR><BR>Nice to see Hoy (Old Judge) at 1500 instead of 600, Shoeelss Joe out of the E-254 set (FINALLY!), but 4,500 for an Old Judge Radbourn? Only if it's the portrait. If T3's are the most popular cabinet set ever, then why are the prices the same as last year?<BR>Also, I thought this was the year they were going to divide the guide into 2 books.<BR><BR>Enough already.<BR> Julie

Archive 10-04-2001 11:09 PM

SCD 2002 Guide
Posted By: <b>Todd (nolemmings)</b><p>I am so sick about people pissing and moaning about Barry Bonds. Take a step back and look at what he's doing, both in his career and this season, especially (since it's topical), the latter. He passed Babe Ruth in walks - the ultimate sign of opponent's respect, in a record that stood for 78 years. He will be the second player in history to have a slugging pct. greater than .800 (only ruth again), and he will be in the top 5 in on base Pct. (exceeding .500). These latter records have stood for more than 70 years and should surely show anyone interested in the nuances of the game just how great a hitter is Bonds.<BR>What about his mouth? In the last two months, I read two wire stories that were poignant. First, Barry hit a pinch hit home run to win a game-- his interview went something like this: " I don't like to pinch hit because I stink at it". Next, when he passed Mike Schmidt in career HR's, he said he wanted to thank Mike Schmidt for talking to him and being friendly when Barry was a young player and when Schmidt sure didn't have to. Both of these confirm what many of us already knew-- that Barry, while sometimes cocky, knows his shortcomings, doesn't duck them, and that he respects if not praises those who have reached accomplishments before him. POINT TO SPECIFICS THAT YOU THINK MAKE THIS GUY SO BAD. Personally, I'm glad this guy isn't your everyday interview chock full of nothing but cliches. If he tells the media to go to hell and leave him alone, that's only a plus in my book. Barry is not the "look at me , I'm the greatest" type of guy, and that speaks volumes. Those who can't deal with that and want another Sammy Sosa, too bad.

Archive 10-05-2001 01:17 AM

SCD 2002 Guide
Posted By: <b>David</b><p>If it's any consolation, Rickey Henderson is a nicer guy than Ty Cobb-- so the Karma is preserved.

Archive 10-05-2001 07:56 AM

SCD 2002 Guide
Posted By: <b>Jaime Leiderman</b><p>Todd, Nobody doubts this is one of the greatest seasons of all time for a player.<BR>You stated two Bonds interviews, but what happened to the others you are not counting?<BR>How many kids have been left behind while asking for an autograph of an idol?<BR><BR><BR>We had to wait for this season to look at a "Nicer" Barry Bonds?<BR><BR>I just want to imagine what a guy like Bonds could have done without his "big ego".<BR><BR>Well, The majors have always been packed with guys like him, in fact, many of the greatest have been "hot dogs".<BR><BR>I'm just speaking for the 50% of people, but as a baseball lover, I'll still root for him...<BR><BR>JL <BR>

Archive 10-05-2001 08:32 AM

SCD 2002 Guide
Posted By: <b>Anonymous</b><p>I'll admit I don't like him, but I don't care if he gets the record or not - if he's good enough to do it, fine. As fans, we are all entitled to our opinions and certainly we can like whoever we choose to. Earlier this year Bonds said in an interview that if he was close at the end of the year and the Giants were in a pennant race, that he wouldn't expect teams to pitch to him. Now he whines about that scenario playing out. The Astros' "Bonds" strategy obviously didn't work, but nothing they're doing right now is working.

Archive 10-05-2001 08:34 AM

SCD 2002 Guide
Posted By: <b>Scott Forrest</b><p>I'm still getting used to using this.

Archive 10-05-2001 09:37 AM

SCD 2002 Guide
Posted By: <b>Jaime Leiderman</b><p>Hope Billy Cristal doesn't come with the idea of producing 71* with Cuba Gooding or Will Smith as Barry Bonds...<BR><BR><BR>JL

Archive 10-05-2001 10:20 AM

SCD 2002 Guide
Posted By: <b>Jaime Leiderman</b><p>For me it's sad that a guy like Bonds matches the most popular record in baseball.<BR>I don't doubt he's one of the best, but his mouth and attitude are worthless.<BR><BR>MLB need more players like Biggio, Bagwell, etc..<BR>They don't speak very often, but you will always see their uniform dirty from head to toes.<BR><BR><BR>JL<BR><BR><BR>

Archive 10-05-2001 12:11 PM

SCD 2002 Guide
Posted By: <b>Kevin Cummings</b><p>This is all very similar to earlier conversations about who belongs in the Hall of Fame. Barry Bonds will hold <b>a ton</b> of lifetime baseball records not because he was an altar boy (sorry for the Catholic reference, but it's my background), but because he posessed superior baseball skills. Dale Murphy will get a bunch of humanitarian awards; Barry Bonds will not. Barry Bonds will be in the Hall of Fame; Dale Murphy will not. <BR><BR>Baseball skills and interpersonal skills aren't always part of the same package. You may not like Barry Bonds as a person (and therefore root against him), but you must give credit where credit is due - he is a <b>hell</b> of a baseball player (his postseason production aside).<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR ><BR><BR><BR>

Archive 10-05-2001 02:03 PM

SCD 2002 Guide
Posted By: <b>mike mullins</b><p>I really don't think the color of the pitcher had ANYTHING to do with Bonds getting a good ball to hit (at least I sincerely hope not). Had Bob Gibson been pitching, Bonds would've gotten a nice fat juicy fastball...right in the ear. It's too bad Bonds isn't in the NHL: at least in hockey, if you showboat, they check you through the boards and put you back in your place.<BR><BR>Bonds is a good ballplayer, but he's a hotdog. Every time he hits a ball that MIGHT be long enough, he flips his bat and strikes his little pose in the box. He shows people up. He doesn't run out grounders or pop flies. He doesn't hustle in the outfield (remember when he stood still on a ball he thought would leave the park, only to have it end up bouncing at the base of the wall 30 feet behind him?). He's not a team player. <BR><BR>Sure, he talks the talk, says nice complementary things about everyone, but actions are stronger than words. He acts like prick, on and off the field, and that's what I'll always remember him as.

Archive 10-05-2001 03:08 PM

SCD 2002 Guide
Posted By: <b>Jaime Leiderman</b><p>Amazon mailed mine today.<BR><BR><BR>OT: Forgot Denzel Washington in my movie post...<BR>

Archive 10-05-2001 03:18 PM

SCD 2002 Guide
Posted By: <b>Jaime Leiderman</b><p>Todd, you wrote: "Personally, I'm glad this guy isn't your everyday interview chock full of nothing but cliches"<BR><BR>For me, having my daughter in the ballpark writing "PICH TO MY DADDY, PLEASE!", is all PURE MARKETING CRAP...<BR><BR>How many kids you see bringing notepads to the park? For What???<BR><BR>Did Mark or Sammy bring their kids to write and put the notepad in camera closeup during their HR battle?<BR><BR>Come on...<BR><BR>Hope the little girl can swing a bat, cause that's the only way she'll be rooted for when grown up!<BR><BR>

Archive 10-05-2001 03:32 PM

SCD 2002 Guide
Posted By: <b>runscott</b><p>... his responses had to be interpreted because he speaks Spanish, not English. I doubt that this Spanish-speaking rookie pitcher felt like he had much in common with Barry Bonds.

Archive 10-05-2001 05:26 PM

SCD 2002 Guide
Posted By: <b>Todd (nolemmings)</b><p>Are you suggesting that Barry put his daughter up to scribbling some note for his (or his reputation's)benefit? That's ridiculous. If anything is apparent to me about Barry Bonds, it's that he does not give a damn (probably to his detriment)about what anyone else thinks about him. He seeks no marketing- what you see is what you get.<BR>As for the little girl showing up for a game or two to see number 70, more power to the family. Who wouldn't want their child to witness a major accomplishment? <BR>Finally, please do not forget that we did indeed get to see McGwire's batboy son on plenty of occasions (good for his family too!), and I personally got (and still get)so sick of Sammy's little skip and kiss the sky routine-- you want to talk about marketing.

Archive 10-05-2001 05:41 PM

SCD 2002 Guide
Posted By: <b>Todd (nolemmings)</b><p>Mike, I know there's been Barry bashing for a long time, and I also know he's not the most popular player. I guess my hangup is that so many people just want to label him based on little or nothing they themselves have seen, and follow the media'slead. I'm a staunch anti-media guy-- I think they use poor judgment, disregard people's privacy, have their own agendas and biases that they will never admit, are not particularly intelligent and abuse the tremedous power they have to paint portraits of people that are not reflective of their subjects. All of this in the name of "the people have a right to know". <BR>You sure seem sincere in your dislike of Barry, and base it upon what you have seen.. that's certainly fair game. Others on this board may have the same observances, and that's all right by me too. I just wonder if this "not a good teammate" thing is overplayed. You know how the A's of the 70s fought, Munson and Reggie, others and Reggie on those great Yankee teams, and there has been resentment of even the great Cal Ripken by other Orioles for his being aloof and unreceptive to teammates. Personally, I am astonished to hear many to say they would not want Barry on their team. Company softball, maybe, where comaraderie is king. Professional sports, with excellence and winning emphasized, is quite another.<BR>I've blathered long enough, got a bar stool with my name on it. Have a good weekend.

Archive 10-05-2001 07:12 PM

SCD 2002 Guide
Posted By: <b>Vognar Julie</b><p>It never occurred to me that the Astros weren't pitching to Bonds because he was black until their strategy had backfired so many times it was silly. Why can't Latin Americans be black Latin Americans? The day before, Bonds got his only other hit off the Astros--from another black pitcher. Sure it may well be coincidence, just as it may be coincidence that the rookie card of probably the greatest baseball player of all time, a Giant, is worth a lot less than the rookie card, from the same year, of another player, a Yankee? Oh yeah, and one's white and one's black.<BR><BR>I don't know Bonds. I only live accross the bay from him. One thing I do know: he sure can hit home runs.<BR><BR> Julie<BR> <BR> Julie

Archive 10-06-2001 10:05 AM

SCD 2002 Guide
Posted By: <b>Jaime Leiderman</b><p>He did it and acted like the player WE want him to be!<BR>No show off , little celebration!<BR><BR>A+ for Bonds<BR><BR>Up another notch in his resume...

Archive 10-08-2001 05:40 PM

SCD 2002 Guide
Posted By: <b>JMK</b><p>Julie,<BR><BR>I agree with you wholeheartedly. In fact, I am pretty surprised that your post was the first place that I saw anything about what to me was starting to look pretty obvious - that there was some kind of unspoken conspiracy to make sure Bonds did not get the record. Hard to say it was a racial thing but I was just not coming up with any other answers to what seemed to be blatant denial of access to the record by mostly white pitchers. San Diego Padres?? What are they pitching around him for? And then Houston got burned over and over and still did it. That last night I was really hoping he'd come up in the top of the ninth instead of bottom eight with men on. I thought if they walk him top nine when they are behind by 7, <i>something</i> is going to blow. I think even the commentator on Fox mentioned just before the AB that if he walked again he was not going to keep his mouth shut.<BR><BR>I was wondering when the racial aspect would come up and it really never did. I started thinking maybe it would be the elephant in the room that everyone pretended not to see. Me? I usually have more faith in people than that and have a hard time comprehending that anyone would do such a thing for that reason. But honestly - can anyone come up with any different reason? I just absolutely can't. No game strategy, no win-lose advantage, nothing. Well - maybe for a few of the AB's, but for as many times as he walked those last 6 or 8 games? Please. Anyone. Chime in with a good reason for those walks besides the fact that they simply did not want him to get the home run record.<BR><BR>Joann

Archive 10-08-2001 08:59 PM

SCD 2002 Guide
Posted By: <b>John</b><p>but remember when mark mcgwire was going for the record,and everbody was whining that he was getting walked too much? where were those people when bonds was getting more walks in less at-bats? that astros series really pissed me off till the last at-bat....bonds had 61 more walks than anyone else,anyone else they would have been crying over the walks,so instead he sets the walk record,home run record in the same season,while still resting 10 games,plus the slugging record thats stood since 1920! Hope everyone enjoyed and realized what they saw this wait till next year,ive never seen anyone hit home run #600(except on tape),it should happen next year,i cant wait,hope they pitch to him then

Archive 10-09-2001 08:04 AM

SCD 2002 Guide
Posted By: <b>runscott</b><p>What about Sammy Sosa? - last time I looked he was still black, and everyone likes him. Gee, maybe it has something to do with attitude?!? Most people I knew were pulling for Sammy over McGwire in '98, because THEY LIKED HIM MORE.

lowpopper 01-21-2022 12:04 PM

Is this equivalent to VCP going down today?

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