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redalpha7 06-25-2018 06:38 PM

I know next to nothing on Bitcoin

I am trying to figure out how I can pay somebody for a service in bitcoin

I have no bit coins. I would like to convert a credit card payment to bitcoin

I would appreciate any help


pokerplyr80 06-26-2018 09:04 AM

Start at Then do a search for how to transfer bitcoin from your wallet to another.

Zach Wheat 06-26-2018 11:57 AM

You need a wallet first. And make sure your codes are secure and you keep a backup. Then you can buy coins from a number of places.

ALR-bishop 06-26-2018 02:25 PM

Elon Musk knows all about the need for a back up for your code :)

Peter_Spaeth 06-26-2018 04:28 PM

Wasn't Bitcoin trading up near 20K a coin not that long ago. It's at 6K and change now.

Leon 06-26-2018 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by Peter_Spaeth (Post 1790073)
Wasn't Bitcoin trading up near 20K a coin not that long ago. It's at 6K and change now.

I was reading about it today, I think it got to 19k+.....that is a wild ride I am not about to get on. More power to those who do and good luck!!

drcy 06-27-2018 09:17 AM


Originally Posted by Leon (Post 1790128)
that is a wild ride I am not about to get on.

My sentiments too.

packs 06-28-2018 12:48 PM

I think your time has come and gone if you were looking to make money on Bitcoin. To me it was always obvious that this was a pump and dump scheme and pumping it up to 20K on hype and then laying an egg on someone else with your coins after you sold was a pretty good scheme. Anyone who got in at 17K and held is probably having a bad time.

bobbyw8469 06-29-2018 10:08 AM

I knew from the beginning it was bad...when you aren't back by ANYTHING, well....that's what you was backed by pure speculation.

Mountaineer1999 06-30-2018 07:29 AM

$6400. I say buy now and ride it back up. Start out with .1 share and average in over the next 10 months.

EvilKing00 07-08-2018 05:33 AM


Originally Posted by redalpha7 (Post 1789830)
I know next to nothing on Bitcoin

I am trying to figure out how I can pay somebody for a service in bitcoin

I have no bit coins. I would like to convert a credit card payment to bitcoin

I would appreciate any help


Just some advice, stick with cash

bbcard1 07-08-2018 07:08 AM

There are a couple pretty good podcasts covering the basics. I wish I would have gotten into it. It is the kind of thing that would have appealed to me. I think it has a lot of the warning signs of the dutch tulip crash, but then again so do baseball cards and that doesn't stop me from spending money on them.

ALR-bishop 07-08-2018 08:04 AM

Except you can hold baseball cards in you hand and look at them when they are going down in value :)

Peter_Spaeth 12-06-2018 06:47 PM

Update -- Bitcoin is now at 3350 or so, off its high near 20K. I assume the people who were enthusiastically recommending it in this and at least one other thread feel differently now. I think packs called it just right -- to me it never seemed on the up and up, the price rise was just too meteoric and unexplained.

Republicaninmass 12-06-2018 07:23 PM

Now it looks like a steal

Much like the baseball card run up!

Leon 12-07-2018 08:31 AM

There is nothing real about bitcoin so it won't surprise me of its eventual demise. Seems more like a pyramid scheme than anything, to me. Good luck to those investing in it, you will need it.


Originally Posted by Peter_Spaeth (Post 1833550)
Update -- Bitcoin is now at 3350 or so, off its high near 20K. I assume the people who were enthusiastically recommending it in this and at least one other thread feel differently now. I think packs called it just right -- to me it never seemed on the up and up, the price rise was just too meteoric and unexplained.

bbcard1 12-07-2018 12:36 PM

I wish I had gotten into it early. It's the kind of thing I would have enjoyed the mining aspect.

While it is a fiat currency backed by nothing more than faith, you could argue the dollar isn't much more than that. I had a lot of young guys in my office who wanted to invest in it, but I tried to dissuade them. I think it was at $12K when they were thinking about it...

One thing it has done is popularize blockchain which I think will revolutionize security over the next couple of years.

I do like silver and gold at their current price levels, but I don't think there's going to be a dramatic run up.

RichardSimon 12-16-2018 09:39 AM

I never saw any difference between Bitcoin and the Dutch Tulip craze.
Pump and dump scam is what it looks like to me.
And a little late to get on board now.

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