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Archive 10-05-2004 09:17 PM

Sl. O/T: Fox has to be the WORST way to watch a game
Posted By: <b>warshawlaw&nbsp; </b><p>Their coverage absolutely stinks! One headshot after another, no perspective on the game. Pitcher's face, hitter's face, idiotic looking fan's face, managers' faces, 1 second showing the actual game view and then back to the portraits. It is unwatchable. No wonder kids don't like baseball on tv.

Archive 10-05-2004 09:25 PM

Sl. O/T: Fox has to be the WORST way to watch a game
Posted By: <b>John/z28jd</b><p>Fox also has to be the worst way to listen to a game because Tim McCarver is an egotistical moron.Im suprised he can fit in the small announcers booths with that overinflated head he has.He makes so many mistakes its unreal and hes not a lovable person like Rizzuto or Caray where you would say oh thats just him being him and laugh it off.<br /><br />Ive heard him make an obvious mistake and then take 2 half innings trying to explain what he was trying to say and he just makes himself sound worse.<br /><br />Ive also heard him harp on a player for a mistake and carry it out for an inning after it happened and then reference it thru the rest of the game.Like he was some great player when he played.<br /><br />I could watch that clubhouse scene over and over where Deion Sanders soaks him and McCarver keeps crying Youre a real man you know that,a real man.Now thats good tv

Archive 10-05-2004 09:28 PM

Sl. O/T: Fox has to be the WORST way to watch a game
Posted By: <b>bcornell</b><p>Ditto on McCarver. He's a loathsome baseball 'intellectual'. He was brutal tonight - "Jacques Jones took the redeye back after his dad died... and that ball just took the redeye, too!" Nice segue, Timmy.<br /><br />So that was the mighty Johann Santana? Big deal.<br /><br />Bill

Archive 10-05-2004 09:34 PM

Sl. O/T: Fox has to be the WORST way to watch a game
Posted By: <b>runscott</b><p>Would a little revenge sweeten the championship? For example, Red Sox fans prefer to face the Yankees over the Twins, Braves prefer to meet the Yankees in the World Series...or the Twins. Astros have no natural enemies...

Archive 10-05-2004 09:40 PM

Sl. O/T: Fox has to be the WORST way to watch a game
Posted By: <b>bcornell</b><p>There is no way I want the Sox going through the Yankees to get to the WS. That may be a copout, but listening to announcers like McCarver recounting the many past failures of the Sox in this rivalry is unbearable. Unless I suddenly go deaf, bring on the Twinkies.

Archive 10-05-2004 09:41 PM

Sl. O/T: Fox has to be the WORST way to watch a game
Posted By: <b>Julie</b><p>Bad...segue? I never used that word before! Oh joy!

Archive 10-05-2004 09:44 PM

Sl. O/T: Fox has to be the WORST way to watch a game
Posted By: <b>runscott</b><p>'s simple - I always do it. Just watch the t.v. muted and listen to the radio.

Archive 10-05-2004 09:48 PM

Sl. O/T: Fox has to be the WORST way to watch a game
Posted By: <b>John/z28jd</b><p>There could be lots of good matchup possibilities<br /><br />basically any team vs Yankees,3 have played them in the w.s. plus Astros signed 2 Yankees pitchers this offseason<br /><br />Red Sox vs Cardinals is a rematch of 2 w.s. 46 and 67<br />clemens vs Sox <br />Braves who started in boston<br />LA because theyre storied franchises<br /><br />Angels vs LA of course would be a big story<br />Twins vs Cardinals/Braves and Dodgers are all world series rematches and in fact Scott thats what you have to look forward to<br /><br />Twins made the w.s. in 65 for the first time and lost to the Dodgers<br />Beat the Cardinals in 87 and the Braves in 91 so that only leaves Houston.Its obvious they want to play a different team each time they make the world series,thus eliminating the other 3 teams from winning.<br /><br />Astros vs Twins world series is a given

Archive 10-05-2004 09:51 PM

Sl. O/T: Fox has to be the WORST way to watch a game
Posted By: <b>bcornell</b><p><i>Bad...segue? I never used that word before! Oh joy!</i><br /><br />You mean I beat you to the use of an exotic (Italian, actually) word, Julie? Oh, happy day. I was going to write "Segway", but that's how John D. gets to work and I figured he'd get annoyed.

Archive 10-05-2004 09:58 PM

Sl. O/T: Fox has to be the WORST way to watch a game
Posted By: <b>John/z28jd</b><p>The only way I get to work is 5 minutes late and thats even by speeding thru neighborhoods bypassing the traffic on the main road.I stand by my record of being late at least 75 percent of the time and not getting fired

Archive 10-05-2004 10:15 PM

Sl. O/T: Fox has to be the WORST way to watch a game
Posted By: <b>bcornell</b><p><img src=""><br />"I heard they were giving away free Bucs keychains! Step on it!"

Archive 10-05-2004 10:25 PM

Sl. O/T: Fox has to be the WORST way to watch a game
Posted By: <b>John/z28jd</b><p>I would run over my own mother for a free Bucs keychain,hell it could be the Buccaneers and id still probably do it and i dont even watch foosball[If youve seen waterboy,youll know thats the right spelling] and if i had one of those scooters id put a red sox bumper sticker on it and a license plate that says 'Bill rox'

Archive 10-05-2004 10:44 PM

Sl. O/T: Fox has to be the WORST way to watch a game
Posted By: <b>Julie</b><p>You CAN'T listen to the radio and watch TV! They are not in sinc. The radio gets there first--2 or 3 seconds. You can't make me believe you actually watched a WHOLE GAME that way--it drives you nuts.

Archive 10-06-2004 12:34 AM

Sl. O/T: Fox has to be the WORST way to watch a game
Posted By: <b>John/z28jd</b><p>Julie have you ever listened to McCarver for a whole game,id rather hit the SAP button than listen to him and i barely know any spanish.Hes more annoying than those guys who try to sell cards and memorabilia on tv at 3am

Archive 10-06-2004 03:40 AM

Sl. O/T: Fox has to be the WORST way to watch a game
Posted By: <b>jay behrens</b><p>Hey now. Leave Ken Goldin and Don West out of this. They are comic relief late night. There is nothing funny about McCarver.<br /><br />Jay<br><br>I saw weird stuff in that place last night. Weird, strange, sick, twisted, eerie, godless, evil stuff. And I want in.

Archive 10-06-2004 07:39 AM

Sl. O/T: Fox has to be the WORST way to watch a game
Posted By: <b>three25hits</b><p>My first girlfriend's dad had an INTENSE hatred for McCarver. It was in 1988, and we were watching him call a game. As soon as McCarver would talk, the guy would turn red with anger -- physically changing his appearance.<br /><br />Turns out the guy played with McCarver in little league. McCarver was such a jerk, the guy would still turn violent at the sound of his voice. Apparently the entire team felt the same way.

Archive 10-06-2004 08:28 AM

Sl. O/T: Fox has to be the WORST way to watch a game
Posted By: <b>Gary B.</b><p>I haven't heard Tim McCarer in a long time, but I used to watch a lot of Mets games in the late 80's, and I always remember liking Tim McCarver a lot. Did anyone else listen to him back then? Did something change? Maybe I was younger and didn't notice anything unpleasant? I have fond memories of listening to Tim McCcarver announce Mets games back then - seriously...

Archive 10-06-2004 09:22 AM

Sl. O/T: Fox has to be the WORST way to watch a game
Posted By: <b>Rich Klein</b><p>1) He did not feel a need to preach to a national audience. So he could be more "relaxed" in a local setting and did not have added pressure<br /><br />2) He was still a "contemporary" of many of the players of the 1980's as he did not retire until after 1980. If you remember, he even has some 1981 cards<br /><br />3) So, therefore, just like Chris Berman was in the 1980's he was right for that time but has in some ways become a parody of himself. Berman was great on SportsCenter in the 80's and is a full step past that peak today. McCarver, like Berman is still good -- just not great anymore<br /><br />Rich

Archive 10-06-2004 09:46 AM

Sl. O/T: Fox has to be the WORST way to watch a game
Posted By: <b>Lee Behrens</b><p>Bring back Joe G and Tony Kubek, they were the best.

Archive 10-06-2004 09:57 AM

Sl. O/T: Fox has to be the WORST way to watch a game
Posted By: <b>Todd (nolemmings)</b><p>The guy is so bad on many levels. I swear I sometimes bleed from the ears listening to him make what he actually must believe are witty and poignant remarks. He does carry idiotic thoughts from inning to inning, thinking he's weaving some sort of game story line. He's basically to baseball what Dan Dierdork was in the MNF booth (although he's gotten more tolerable since) and what Joe Theismann is fast becoming.<br /><br />Todd<br /><br />P.S. Hey Bill, you may be unimpressed with Santana, but the guy had only B- stuff yesterday (location way off) and not only won, but was not scored upon by a pretty damn good offense at home.

Archive 10-06-2004 10:08 AM

Sl. O/T: Fox has to be the WORST way to watch a game
Posted By: <b>John/z28jd</b><p>There are tons of announcer i like but it just happened the ones i dont like were calling that game on 2 different stations.Charlie Stiener who i used to like on espn and John Sterling are horrible hometown announcers.According to them the Yankees make 20-30 great plays on given nights and theyre always gushing over how great it is to watch them play.<br /><br />Jon Miller and Joe Morgan to me are the best announcing team out there,you actually learn stuff when you listen to them.For people who dont watch the game often McCarver puts obvious facts in doubt,and for people who do watch all the time he makes them mad at him for being so stupid but still getting to call playoff and world series games.I would pay to hear Vin Scully call a game and i would pay not to hear McCarver.<br /><br />I took a poll once on a Pirates message board and of the 30 responses to what they thought of McCarver,25 didnt like him and 5 didnt mind him but not one person voted they liked him.How someone that unpopular stays on the air is beyond me

Archive 10-06-2004 11:09 AM

Sl. O/T: Fox has to be the WORST way to watch a game
Posted By: <b>Gary B.</b><p>to Jim Palmer? Is he still announcing? <br /><br />Also, Bob Costas can announce pretty much any game in any sport any day as far as I'm concerned - he did a fantastic job at the Olympics IMHO.

Archive 10-06-2004 11:41 AM

Sl. O/T: Fox has to be the WORST way to watch a game
Posted By: <b>jamie</b><p>palmer still does the 0's

Archive 10-06-2004 12:19 PM

Sl. O/T: Fox has to be the WORST way to watch a game
Posted By: <b>warshawlaw</b><p>The man has class, period. <br /><br />When the Dodgers won the division, he said he'd always felt that the best way to describe that kind of scene was to let the fans do it, and he SHUT UP and let the viewers enjoy some of the atmosphere. <br /><br />McCarver is an insufferable idiot but I dislike Joe Morgan even more. What a jerk...<br /><br />I was actually commenting on the rotten coverage rather than the announcing. Local tv does a much better job of showing the game itself rather than the participants.

Archive 10-06-2004 12:33 PM

Sl. O/T: Fox has to be the WORST way to watch a game
Posted By: <b>Gary B.</b><p>While I'm not a huge Dodgers fan, I've watched a good few games locally, and Vin Scully is really a great announcer. The people who are knowledgable about the game, the players and can point out subtelties while keeping their ego mostly out of the way are the best. That's what I really like about Bob Costas too...

Archive 10-06-2004 12:34 PM

Sl. O/T: Fox has to be the WORST way to watch a game
Posted By: <b>qualitycards</b><p>If everyone hates McCarver as an announcer, why is he on the #1 Fox team and not announcing games for the Winston Salem Warthogs?

Archive 10-06-2004 12:48 PM

Sl. O/T: Fox has to be the WORST way to watch a game
Posted By: <b>Bill Cornell</b><p><i>If everyone hates McCarver as an announcer, why is he on the #1 Fox team</i><br /><br />Jay, my guess is that it's because of his NY focus. Everything in MLB revolves around the Yankees and McCarver promotes them to no end.<br /><br />Bill

Archive 10-06-2004 01:05 PM

Sl. O/T: Fox has to be the WORST way to watch a game
Posted By: <b>John/z28jd</b><p>If everyone hates McCarver as an announcer, why is he on the #1 Fox team and not announcing games for the Winston Salem Warthogs?<br /><br />I would love to know the answer to this as well and id be happy as a warthog in mud if he did announce for winston-salem instead of on national tv.In fact if they want to hire him id be willing to help pay a small part of his salary to not hear him.<br /> <br /> I think the real answer is hes gotten much worse over the years but hes put in his time.I dont watch basketball often anymore but when i did i hated Bill Walton,he fits into that McCarver mold,but hes Bill Walton so they let him announce big games.Hes very unpopular too among people ive asked but there he is announcing important games all the time.<br /><br />Adam,i did notice right before the last out they had to show everyones face on the ny bench like it was a big dramatic moment.Yes the Yankees were about to lose a playoff game,but it was game 1 and i dont think they were giving up all hope.<br /><br />I thought they did a good job during the Cardinals game as far as video and commentary,and i only saw bits and pieces of the Red Sox game,mostly listened to that one on espn radio so i cant comment much.<br /><br />

Archive 10-06-2004 01:09 PM

Sl. O/T: Fox has to be the WORST way to watch a game
Posted By: <b>jay behrens</b><p>OMG, Walton is 100 times worse than McCarver. And how does a former Celtic become a puppet for the Lakers? Even before his son got drafted by them, Walton couldn't shut about the Lakers. He is proof positive that smoking too much weed is not good for the brain. And on a parallel to another thread, Walton has no business in the HOF. College, yes. Pro, no.<br /><br />Jay<br><br>I saw weird stuff in that place last night. Weird, strange, sick, twisted, eerie, godless, evil stuff. And I want in.

Archive 10-06-2004 05:21 PM

Sl. O/T: Fox has to be the WORST way to watch a game
Posted By: <b>Julie</b><p>I have sat and "listened" to McCarver, and never been...much...bothered. Once in a while, I get a mental feeling like a had a burr in my shoe, but after a while, it goes away. I don't really listen to games, unless something really important is going on.

Archive 10-07-2004 06:39 AM

Sl. O/T: Fox has to be the WORST way to watch a game
Posted By: <b>Kevin Cummings</b><p>I am neither a McCarver basher nor supporter, but with all the crap being dumped on him here I thought it was great for comparison purposes to see how Joe Morgan did his job one night later. My personal opinion is that I've seen him better (but even on his best nights he's not the second coming of Vin Scully).<br /><br />Joe had a couple of brain farts last night (he once called Torre Stottlemyre and also referred to Mel as Todd). Even given that, Joe <b><u>is</u></b> less obnoxious than McCarver simply because he doesn't feel the need to talk as much as Tim does.

Archive 10-07-2004 07:04 AM

Sl. O/T: Fox has to be the WORST way to watch a game
Posted By: <b>runscott</b><p>just below listening to the meaningless dribble of cute blondes on the sidelines at football least they're fun to look at...the blondes that is.

Archive 10-07-2004 07:24 AM

Sl. O/T: Fox has to be the WORST way to watch a game
Posted By: <b>Kevin Cummings</b><p>Scott:<br /><br />Deion Sanders dumping water on Tim McCarver's head a couple of years ago was a lot of fun to look at, too! <img src="/images/happy.gif" height=14 width=14><br /><br />Kevin

Archive 10-07-2004 11:16 AM

Sl. O/T: Fox has to be the WORST way to watch a game
Posted By: <b>Julie</b><p>I thought he was really good. I agree, Morgan was NOT so hot last night--maybe he's getting old (I wrote my previous post before I heard him in the Twins-Yankees game).

Archive 10-07-2004 01:14 PM

Sl. O/T: Fox has to be the WORST way to watch a game
Posted By: <b>warshawlaw</b><p>Their camera work was just so much better than Fox and whoever does the play by play with Morgan, first rate. <br /><br />I did enjoy hearing Tony Gwynn. Sure has gotten fat(ter) though; guess it happens to us all...sigh...<br /><br />I have to admit, my tape from the Dodgers-Giants game is awesome. I shot it the way I think a game should be shot, showing all the stuff going on out there with minimal commentary. I don't really even need to edit the sucker.

Archive 10-07-2004 01:41 PM

Sl. O/T: Fox has to be the WORST way to watch a game
Posted By: <b>Brian Weisner</b><p><br /> Hi Guys, and Julie<br /> I can't stand McCarver either, but don't threaten to send him to Winston-Salem. We are quite happy with our current Warthogs announcer Alan York, and don't need "little timmy" overanalyzing every Beer poured on "Thirsty Thursday". Besides Ernie Shore field only seats about 8000, so I doubt McCarvers ego would fit inside. Send him to Buffalo, the Bisons have plenty of room in there stadium, and they will drown Tim in the lake if he gets out of line. Be well Brian

Archive 10-08-2004 10:14 PM

Sl. O/T: Fox has to be the WORST way to watch a game
Posted By: <b>Kevin O</b><p>And it certainly isn't getting any better.<br /><br />Wouldn't it be great to bring together a few different pairs of proven announcers who don't induce vomit? How great would it be to listen to the Playoffs and Series in the words of Ernie Harwell and Vin Scully, or Herb Carneal or Marty Brennaman or Bob Uecker.<br /><br />Short of that, why not schedule a few steel-cage-to-the- death matches with a few of the current lame announcers who don't understand that the game isn't about them? Who wouldn't tune in to watch a Tim McCarver-Bill Walton blood bath? I'd shell out for pay-per-view

Archive 10-08-2004 10:28 PM

Sl. O/T: Fox has to be the WORST way to watch a game
Posted By: <b>qualitycards</b><p>BRIAN - is the manager over there still RAZOR SHINES? One of the all time great baseball names.<br /><br />Regarding McCarver... It was nice to hear Jon Miller & Joe Morgan tonight, they seem to compliment each other. With McCarver & Buck they try to 1-up each other. Although Joe Buck is a good announcer, the flow isn't there all the time.

Archive 10-09-2004 01:11 AM

Sl. O/T: Fox has to be the WORST way to watch a game
Posted By: <b>nickinvegas</b><p>While I enjoy Jon and Joe (I am a big Red’s Fan) If I had to choose an announcer for my final game before dying it would undoubtedly be Vin Scully. Not to sound soft, but Vin gives a game romance. He gives the story behind the story. There is (in my opinion) no one better at telling the story of a 9 inning baseball game. <br /><br />Nick

Archive 10-10-2004 10:25 AM

Sl. O/T: Fox has to be the WORST way to watch a game
Posted By: <b>Max Weder</b><p>I didn't hear the statement, but apparently Tim McCarver made a comment about cold summer nights and moose wandering around in Justin Morneau's home town of New Westminster BC (a suburb of Vancouver). (Jeff O: how about Seattle 120 miles down the road? Many moose coming to your door?) Tim's knowledge of Canadian geography and its animal habitats is a little deficient. <br /><br />Here's a 1958 aerial shot of New Westminister, with its baseball park. More malls today.<br /><br /><img src="">

Archive 10-10-2004 11:17 AM

Sl. O/T: Fox has to be the WORST way to watch a game
Posted By: <b>Brian Weisner</b><p><br /> I'm sorry to say that Razor Shines left the Warthogs at the end of 2003 and is currently managing the Birmingham Barons. The funny thing about the name is that it's his real name. He was named Anthony Razor Shines, after his grandfather who sir name was Razor. Be well Brian

Archive 10-10-2004 12:12 PM

Sl. O/T: Fox has to be the WORST way to watch a game
Posted By: <b>Chemenka</b><p>I like the Fox baseball and love their commercials. I sat next to McCarver at a coffee shop last year and he was telling a joke about St. Peter at the gates of heaven on his cell phone, so I like his broadcasting. Thank You,<br /> Chemenka Jounu

Archive 10-10-2004 12:39 PM

Sl. O/T: Fox has to be the WORST way to watch a game
Posted By: <b>Nickinvegas</b><p>I had the pleasure of meeting Razor when I worked for the old Minor League club in Denver. Razor would come in with the Indianoplis Indians(Montreal AAA). He was always very nice. I have one of his game bats around here some where if there are any hard core Razor fans who wish to buy it...<img src="/images/happy.gif" height=14 width=14><br /><br /><br />Nick

Archive 10-10-2004 09:04 PM

Sl. O/T: Fox has to be the WORST way to watch a game
Posted By: <b>John/z28jd</b><p>I have a game used major league bat of someone with a better name[at least i think] than Razor Shines,and that would be Shooty Babbitt who played briefly for the 1981 A's<br /><br />Unlike Razor's bat tho,its not for sale

Archive 10-11-2004 12:16 AM

Sl. O/T: Fox has to be the WORST way to watch a game
Posted By: <b>Lee Behrens</b><p>Tim McCarver got bonus points with me when he used the word "diskombobulate" (I'm sure it has to be spelled that way because it can't be in the dictionary). Maybe he is trying to be the John Madden of baseball.

Archive 10-11-2004 01:38 AM

Sl. O/T: Fox has to be the WORST way to watch a game
Posted By: <b>Jeff S</b><p>is in the dictionary:<br /><a href="" target=_new></a><br /><br />I've always suspected ballplayers-turned-announcers go on self-improvement kicks a few times a year and crack open a dictionary to expand their vocab a bit; within weeks they are misusing irrelevant polysyllabic words. <br /><br />I like Tony Gwynn, though...

Archive 10-11-2004 10:43 AM

Sl. O/T: Fox has to be the WORST way to watch a game
Posted By: <b>warshawlaw</b><p>Coco Crisp<br />Cookie Rojas<br />Puddin' Head Jones<br />Chicken Stanley<br />

Archive 10-14-2004 09:42 AM

Sl. O/T: Fox has to be the WORST way to watch a game
Posted By: <b>warshawlaw</b><p>Last night I muted it and put on some music. The game is sooo much better without the inane commentary. Or, you can do what my friends and I like, which is talk back at McBozo and the other Fox clowns, a la Mystery Science Theater 3000.

Archive 10-16-2004 07:05 PM

Sl. O/T: Fox has to be the WORST way to watch a game
Posted By: <b>Scott Forrest</b><p>"That was a sinker that sank 378 feet...into the stands.....not into home plate."<br /><br />Edited to correct spelling.

Archive 10-19-2004 08:16 PM

Sl. O/T: Fox has to be the WORST way to watch a game
Posted By: <b>Robert {Bigb13}</b><p><DIV>Someone should really shut up these two announcers. If the World Series is on fox I am not watching. I would rather sit in my can and listen to different announcers on the radio. These guys never stop talking. Rob</DIV>

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