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RICHIEHARRIS 04-10-2024 05:22 PM

New member...wants vintage mlb autographs
I am collecting MLB Managers autographs. I have a good sized collection back to the 1920s....only on flat items that can go into a binder page. No caps, bats or balls. I have a want list and am a buyer if I can get a reasonable price. These are not for resell, only to build my collection.
My want list includes:
Bill Donovan Phila 1921
Pat Moran Phila 1915-1918
Billy Murray Phila 1907-1909
Deacon McGuire Clev 1910-11
George Stovall Clev 1911
Joe Birmingham Clev 1912-1915
Jimmy Callahan Pitts 1916-17
Hugo Bedzek 1917-19
Jimmy McAleer Wash 1910-11
Joe Cantillon Wash 1907-09
George Stoval Browns 1912-13
Fielder Jones Browns 1916-18
Hank O'Day Cubs 1914
Bill Armour Detroit 1905-06
Jimmy Collins Red Sox 1901-06
Jake Stahl Red Sox 1912-13
Hughie Jennings
Nixey Callahan W. Sox 1912-14
John Ganzel Cinc. 1908
Ivy Wingo Cinc. 1916
Bid McPee Cinc. 1901-02
Shano Collins Red Sox
Would also like to have Miller Huggins and Wilbert Robinson but market prices exceed my budget

BillyCoxDodgers3B 04-10-2024 05:32 PM

Hope you find some. I may have a couple of those.

Fair warning, though. If market prices exceed your budget for the two you mentioned, you may as well forget about owning most of the others on that list. The vast majority will be of similar, if not far greater value. Many are practically nonexistent, anyway.

Klrdds 04-10-2024 06:02 PM

I have had in my collection about 2/3 of your want list but when I downsized 4-5 years ago I sold all of them . That being said most of your list will be difficult to find at best and many of them will be in the high hundreds to mid thousands and 4-5 of them will be in the tens of thousands of dollars . I don't want to rain on your enthusiasm and it sounds like a great collection but you are now into the upper tier of collecting baseball autographs for any category so enjoy the fun and the search. It may take time but it will be fun and my advice is buy anyone you can find on your list no matter what medium it's on because some of those are that rare that they may be never be offered publicly and when they are expect a bidding war and some you may never see. GOOD LUCK !

RICHIEHARRIS 04-11-2024 12:19 PM

Great advice from both of you. Appreciate it. Please let me know if you find any of those are available; maybe i can strectch my budget to get what I want.

RICHIEHARRIS 04-11-2024 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by BillyCoxDodgers3B (Post 2425828)
Hope you find some. I may have a couple of those.

Fair warning, though. If market prices exceed your budget for the two you mentioned, you may as well forget about owning most of the others on that list. The vast majority will be of similar, if not far greater value. Many are practically nonexistent, anyway.

Please let me know if you have any of the list available. Maybe I can stretch my budget.
Thank you.

BioCRN 04-11-2024 07:10 PM

Since you're new and eager, please be on the watch out for people sending you private messages through the site making offers for you to "email my brother/cousin/uncle/me" sent to you from users with accounts that are new or only a few months old.

RICHIEHARRIS 04-12-2024 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by BioCRN (Post 2426145)
Since you're new and eager, please be on the watch out for people sending you private messages through the site making offers for you to "email my brother/cousin/uncle/me" sent to you from users with accounts that are new or only a few months old.

Thank you for that!
Good advise.

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