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BruinsFan 05-23-2012 09:26 PM

James J. Coirbett Signature Display with LOA from JSA
4 Attachment(s)
For Sale is a Very Very Rare signature of James J. Corbett, from 1892, 3 months after he won the Heavyweight Title from John L. Sullivan on September 7th 1892. This is Crisp & Beautiful cut signature of James J. Corbett aka "Gentleman Jim Corbett". The 2nd man to hold the Heavyweight Crown. The signature is inscribed, "Yours Truly, Jas J. Corbett Boston Mass, Dec 5 /92" The Frame is (12" x16") This is a very very rare autograph, NOT A LATER SIGNATURE! Most of his signatures are from the 1910 and later as well, This is while he held the Title!! The paper has a water mark on it and if you take the frame apart and hold it to the light you can read, "892" on the left edge of the paper. This piece includes the signed framed cut & an original 1893 Cabinet Card of James J. Corbett. There is a Letter of Authenticity (LOA) from the James Spence Authenticators (JSA) Photos of the piece and the LOA are attached. The asking price is $1,500.00 or best offer. E mail me with any questions Thanks David

travrosty 05-25-2012 12:11 AM

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Look at this corbett signed in 1893, at the bottom, also the photo of corbett signed in 1894.

notice anything different? besides the writing being much more slanted and a lot less upright than the "1892 corbett", the rr's in yours truly are different than the r he uses in the name Corbett. You will see this all over whenever you see a Corbett signatures. What you won't see is the rr's in Yours Truly being of the same type as in the name Corbett. But since JSA certed it I am sure they have lots of examples of this type of RR's in yours truly matching the R in Corbett!!!!!

JSA also certed the 1893 Corbett sig. signed just 5 months after the Dec. 5, 1892, but JSA couldn't notice anything different? I love what JSA is doing to the boxing hobby.

Look how similar the 1894 and 1893 sigs are to each other, and they are signed 18 months apart, but one signed just 5 months earlier looks so different? JSA, you are killing me here!!!!!

BruinsFan 05-25-2012 01:41 AM

Well I saw the 2 examples you provided, yet the "tt" in both of yours are what is your point...Funny thing is they all have similar characteristics and some differences between all 3 so what? I think that JSA is a bit more trusted with greater resources than your 2 examples...Plus having shown the cut to several boxing collectors they all seem to believe that this is Jim Corbett's signature before JSA certified it...My Vote Stays with JSA, They do this for a Profession not as a Hobby. It is GOOD and your opinion is just that, Your Opinion...

travrosty 05-25-2012 01:53 AM

3 Attachment(s)
the photo is precertified psa/dna at legendary auctions, the other cut is jsa certified and on ebay right now.

just show me one example where they make the rr's like that in yours truly.

jsa cant show it, you cant show it, no one can. post one, just one, i can post as many as you would like that show the YOURS TRULY as regular R's, not the R he makes in Corbett.

you also showed it to me before jsa certed it and i knew what it was. i was a boxing expert that psa consulted with and asked me to join them, i decided not to. if you would have sent it to psa and i looked at it, it would have failed.

who is jsa's boxing consultant expert? NONE!!!! the slant is all wrong, and the slant on the other two are the same. the capital C is wrong and the capital C on the other two are the same. The loop on the Capital C is fairly thin in the other examples, your has a fat loop, real fat. where are other exemplars where we see this? none!

Who are the collectors that liked it? Just curious?

you have to start looking at this objectively.

Here is a Luis Firpo that JSA certed last year. It's a signed photo that JSA says was signed by Firpo.

Here is a real Luis Firpo signature, it's signed on a piece of paper and I got it directly from Argentina. Every Luis Firpo signature you will ever see will look just like this.

The JSA Firpo got pulled from the auction house after we alerted them. Where was JSA's Firpo exemplar to match this one? Still love their exemplar files? Show me a Firpo that matched the signed photo they certed? It got pulled from the auction in disgrace.

here is a Joe Louis autograph that is now on a leaf card as a 1/1.

Leaf only puts these on a card if psa or jsa cert them. A member here has said that jsa certed this one. I would reject it in 5 seconds. We've shown it here already and its laughable. Do they know joe Louis?

show exemplars that even come close to matching your corbett? please.

BruinsFan 05-25-2012 02:14 AM

What about your "TT" in Corbett??? What the Hell about that? Why stop there both of your signatures are on cards...So what if this Note is a personal note not a item that was signed in a rush for a fan? Tell me why there are differences in autographs from one to another PERIOD...Your 2 examples have there own differences to begin with. Furthermore YOUR NOT AN EXPERT by any stretch of the mind...I Will Safely Say that JSA is More TRUSTED than you.

BruinsFan 05-25-2012 02:17 AM

Ahh You did not like the autograph before and YOU STILL DON'T!!! By the way ah where are your COA of LOA? I think that you would have one to show us that yours are Authenticated. PSA? They Grade Cards Right? If you want to work for PSA than do so but Please Bad mouthing JSA because You have a Problem with this signature is funny but Means Little.

travrosty 05-25-2012 02:20 AM


Originally Posted by BruinsFan (Post 996989)
What about your "TT" in Corbett??? What the Hell about that? Why stop there both of your signatures are on cards...So what if this Note is a personal note not a item that was signed in a rush for a fan? Tell me why there are differences in autographs from one to another PERIOD...Your 2 examples have there own differences to begin with. Furthermore YOUR NOT AN EXPERT by any stretch of the mind...I Will Safely Say that JSA is More TRUSTED than you.

yes i am an expert, ask anyone here. i was asked by psa to join them as their boxing consultant expert. were you?

There can be differences between two autographs. but your auto has major structural differences, not small differences.

There are differences from one to another because no two autographs are the same. but there are not major structural differences like yours shows.

in boxing, jsa is NOT more trusted than me, only more well known. ask around.

BruinsFan 05-25-2012 02:22 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Still YOU HAVE SHOWN Bubkiss on the COA or LOA of Your Corbett Signatures! Please Get a Life and a Job at PSA and Go Away...

travrosty 05-25-2012 02:25 AM


Originally Posted by BruinsFan (Post 996990)
Ahh You did not like the autograph before and YOU STILL DON'T!!! By the way ah where are your COA of LOA? I think that you would have one to show us that yours are Authenticated. PSA? They Grade Cards Right? If you want to work for PSA than do so but Please Bad mouthing JSA because You have a Problem with this signature is funny but Means Little.

here is the corbett on ebay right now in the sealed jsa holder.

the signed photo was offered at legendary auction with psa percertification.

travrosty 05-25-2012 02:26 AM


Originally Posted by BruinsFan (Post 996992)
Still YOU HAVE SHOWN Bubkiss on the COA or LOA of Your Corbett Signatures! Please Get a Life and a Job at PSA and Go Away...

the two you posted proves my point, thin loops in the C Yours truly with regular R, you are hanging yourself. adn the signature is much more at a slant and not upright like yours.

you have to show me one where the rr's are of the same style as the r in corbett, you can't. the person that made yours just assumed all the r's would be of the same style, he didnt know corbett switched them up and always made regular rr's and only made the distinct r in his signature.

did you like the firpo that jsa certed? boy , they can be trusted!!!!!!

BruinsFan 05-25-2012 02:27 AM

Wow you see the "T" in Truly in the Letter? A whole different style...Enough of your examples and remarks...It is what it is and You can keep your vaulted opinion and work for PSA.

travrosty 05-25-2012 02:33 AM


Originally Posted by BruinsFan (Post 996995)
Wow you see the "T" in Truly in the Letter? A whole different style...Enough of your examples and remarks...It is what it is and You can keep your vaulted opinion and work for PSA.

yes, but you can see that style T elsewhere too, he had two different styles, your RR's are one of a kind.

now go to the autograph forum and ask a simple question.

"If you had a boxing autograph and wanted an expert opinion about the accuracy of a boxing autograph only and could only go to one person, would you ask Travis Roste, or JSA?

see what responses you get? you won't do it. You will not ask that question. We know why you won't ask that question.

BruinsFan 05-25-2012 02:34 AM

Your Boring Me to death...Go Get Your Job at PSA and Be An Expert...Still Your Opinion...Still only 1 LOA for your 2 pieces? I am sure you have at least 30 examples of his autograph at your disposal to compare? I know you know that he Had to sign every autograph the same style...Ya! Good Luck with that. IT IS REAL not much Else to Say to You...You Don't Have to Like it But That is Not Gonna Change a Thing...IT IS REAL!! The Providence of it is been verified as well as the paper and ink....

BruinsFan 05-25-2012 02:40 AM

Travis... I have plenty of Boxing Experts that I know who still would say JSA any Day! Sorry You Feel Like Your the only One out there. I am not interested in hearing about it...OVER. It is Real and that is All there is to it...

travrosty 05-25-2012 02:41 AM


Originally Posted by BruinsFan (Post 996997)
Your Boring Me to death...Go Get Your Job at PSA and Be An Expert...Still Your Opinion...Still only 1 LOA for your 2 pieces? I am sure you have at least 30 examples of his autograph at your disposal to compare? I know you know that he Had to sign every autograph the same style...Ya! Good Luck with that. IT IS REAL not much Else to Say to You...You Don't Have to Like it But That is Not Gonna Change a Thing...IT IS REAL!! The Providence of it is been verified as well as the paper and ink....

old paper and ink doesnt make it a real signature.

did you ask the question yet?

look at every jsa corbett you can ever find, have you found the rr's yet? no,

yes, it is my opinion. and i have 30, 40, 50 exemplars and more to compare.

People don't juse sign a totally different style for one autograph all of the sudden then go back to the normal style. it doesnt work that way.

You don't think I am an expert, why did you ask me six months ago what I thought it was worth? If I am clueless on Corbett? Of course you don't want to believe the person who gives the bad news. I still haven't seen the names of your mystery consultants? You know my name.

give me the names of the boxing experts that will say jsa anyday? give them to me. Not for resale value, but for accuracy of the opinion. Can you give me a few names?

now go to the autogrpah forum and ask the question.

BruinsFan 05-25-2012 02:50 AM

Travis I COULD CARE LESS to ask questions of people on the board...I TRUST my resources and JSA...I Could Not Care What You Think! Get Your Job at PSA and Do It Already Until Then It's Just a Story... But Busting my Chops over this Autograph is NOT going to Change It!! IT IS REAL!! GOOD BYE

BruinsFan 05-25-2012 03:03 AM

Travis....Lets get this straight...I OFFERED the Item to you for SALE...I NEVER ASKED for Your Opinion on "What it was worth?" Wow Are You Serious??? Ahh I was Selling it and you wrote you whole Novella and I said then as I do Now...I have had several boxing experts look at it with the same opinion, then to make sure it was sent to JSA. They Authenticated It!..It Is REAL...Your Not Happy with That then Go Get Certified as A Autograph Expert...Until That Time Your an AMATEUR

travrosty 05-25-2012 03:24 AM

2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by BruinsFan (Post 997002)
Travis....Lets get this straight...I OFFERED the Item to you for SALE...I NEVER ASKED for Your Opinion on "What it was worth?" Wow Are You Serious??? Ahh I was Selling it and you wrote you whole Novella and I said then as I do Now...I have had several boxing experts look at it with the same opinion, then to make sure it was sent to JSA. They Authenticated It!..It Is REAL...Your Not Happy with That then Go Get Certified as A Autograph Expert...Until That Time Your an AMATEUR

there is no certification as an autograph expert. you are right, you asked me if i wanted to buy it and i said no because it is worth zero.

i offered to show you why i thought it wasnt good, and you didnt want to know.

please give me the names of your experts.

please give me exemplars that show the rr's or the upright slant.

here is a joe louis by psa that is a real beauty. do you still think they are good at boxing? it has the psa sticker on it. do you need a couple dozen more jsa "authentications" to convince you. Because I have as many as you can ask for.

What should i show next, the john l. sullivan secretarial with jsa cert, that jsa refused to show exemplars for, OR the james jeffries hotel registry all signed in the same hand that jsa certed, OR, the jack johnson boxing card "signed" by jack johnson a few years after his death, where his death is actually stated on the back of the card, that american memorabilia offered up with "jsa certification", OR the numerous other joe louis signatures with jsa certs that are real beauties, OR the 11 bad max schmelings that were listed at a major auction house with jsa auction loa's that were pulled in disgrace.

OR the wife signed sonny liston autographed paper pad that jsa said was good. OR the PREPRINTED Mike Tyson "signed" photo that had a jsa auction loa. And then i might really get down to business and start showing something.

but they are great, right?

BruinsFan 05-25-2012 04:22 AM

Travis...Enough, 3 Things I want to Point Out...
1. You Don't Work at PSA
2. You Are NOT a Certified Autograph Authenticator
3. You have Flat Out Lied about me asking your Opinion 7 months ago, at best manipulated my offer to sell the piece to you...
Get this...I am NOT interested in what you have to say! Period...

GrayGhost 05-25-2012 06:44 AM

Leon, are you SURE this was a smart idea? There is more arguing and fighting now, than when it was all in one section.:rolleyes:

Why don't you guys privately discuss this? THANK GOD I don't deal in high end autographs. It seems you have Expert A, Alphabet guys B and C and everyone is on a different page.

What a mess.

nameless 05-25-2012 09:23 AM

It taste like burning...
Travis: Can send u a scan of a William Muldoon and John Morrisey auto that I have? Curious as to what u think

toybulldog 05-25-2012 10:37 AM

Here are a couple Corbett's from 1892 which I'm confident are real. The letter that has been posted is undoubtedly signed by Corbett but the heading and content are secreterial and in another hand. Instead of a small case "t" he used a capital "T" in "Truly" as is the case with the two posted here. The person who penned the content of the letter is more apt to have signed your Corbett rather than Corbett doing it himself. The "C" in the last name of the person the letter was addressed to is similar to the "C" in your "Corbett". Also the backwards 3 style "e" in "Rochester" is similar to the "e" in yor "Dec". I can't find the backwards 3 style "e" in any of Corbett's writings. I watched the offered Corbett end cheaply on Artfact and would have wacked it pretty good if it had the supporting evidence.,Jas...-6-11%20SR.jpg,Jas...2-29a%20SR.JPG

travrosty 05-25-2012 11:21 AM


Originally Posted by BruinsFan (Post 997007)
Travis...Enough, 3 Things I want to Point Out...
1. You Don't Work at PSA
2. You Are NOT a Certified Autograph Authenticator
3. You have Flat Out Lied about me asking your Opinion 7 months ago, at best manipulated my offer to sell the piece to you...
Get this...I am NOT interested in what you have to say! Period...

i corrected the record, you asked me if i wanted to buy it.

there is no such thing as a CERTIFIED authenticator, period. no one is.

travrosty 05-25-2012 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by toybulldog (Post 997120)
Here are a couple Corbett's from 1892 which I'm confident are real. The letter that has been posted is undoubtedly signed by Corbett but the heading and content are secreterial and in another hand. Instead of a small case "t" he used a capital "T" in "Truly" as is the case with the two posted here. The person who penned the content of the letter is more apt to have signed your Corbett rather than Corbett doing it himself. The "C" in the last name of the person the letter was addressed to is similar to the "C" in your "Corbett". Also the backwards 3 style "e" in "Rochester" is similar to the "e" in yor "Dec". I can't find the backwards 3 style "e" in any of Corbett's writings. I watched the offered Corbett end cheaply on Artfact and would have wacked it pretty good if it had the supporting evidence.,Jas...-6-11%20SR.jpg,Jas...2-29a%20SR.JPG


it went cheap at the auction house (especially as it was suppose to be signed as champion) and more than one long time collector or dealer would have bid more on it had they believed it to be real.

here it is, it went for a whopping 258 dollars, now it is suppose to be worth 1500?

It didn't fly beneath the radar either, many boxing people knew it was being auctioned, they just stayed away. If it had the confidence of boxing collectors and dealers it would have went for at least 700+ if not more as it was suppose to be signed AS CHAMPION.

travrosty 05-25-2012 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by nameless (Post 997088)
It taste like burning...
Travis: Can send u a scan of a William Muldoon and John Morrisey auto that I have? Curious as to what u think

if you would like to,

BruinsFan 05-25-2012 11:49 AM

Hey Travis...Ba Bye

thenavarro 05-25-2012 06:45 PM

I don't normally concur with Travis's opinions on things, but after looking at about 8 years worth of sales from Bob's auctions, I think he's spot on with this one.


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