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orly57 09-07-2017 10:15 AM

On a positive note...
This board is so often full of negativity, fighting, and insulting, that we tend to forget just how many wonderful guys there are in this hobby. As I sit here in Miami, waiting for what appears to be an extremely powerful hurricane, I have received offers from so many members (friends and strangers alike) to bring my family to their homes. Total strangers on this board have invited me up to stay with them in Wisconsin and California. Friends that I have made on this board, and often only communicate through text, have invited me to stay in their homes in Georgia, Minnesota, New York, and even the West Coast of Florida. I write this because it is so easy to begin disliking the board as a whole, due to the words and actions of only a few. There are so many good, and caring people on this board, and I think it should be acknowledged and celebrated.

Peter_Spaeth 09-07-2017 10:19 AM

Are you going to stick it out or evacuate?

EvilKing00 09-07-2017 10:26 AM

thoughts and prayers to you and your family.

Yes just like real life, there are plenty of good people just need to know where to look:D

Gobucsmagic74 09-07-2017 10:27 AM

Good luck Orlando. I'll be riding it out just up the road from you in Rockledge, Fl just north of Melbourne

orly57 09-07-2017 10:27 AM

I planned to evacuate, but my wife insisted on waiting, assessing, evaluating, thinking, meditating, and all other forms of paralysis by analysis, that it's now more irresponsible to leave than to stay. The expressways heading North are all clogged up, and gas throughout the state is extremely limited. Unlike other hurricanes, this one threatens the entire state (rather than just south Florida for example). As such, the gas is in short supply throughout the state. A friend of mine recently arrived in Orlando, normally a 3 1/2 hour drive, in 9 hours! And forget catching a flight ANYWHERE. I think the cure may be worse than the disease at this point. Thankfully, I am well prepared, and my house is equipped with hurricane-impact windows and a new roof.

Bigshot69 09-07-2017 10:27 AM

I would have to consider taking someone up on that offer. Most models now show Miami taking a direct hit. Godspeed, Orlando.

obcbobd 09-07-2017 10:31 AM

Nice post!

Best of luck during the hurricane


Peter_Spaeth 09-07-2017 10:31 AM


Originally Posted by orly57 (Post 1698772)
I planned to evacuate, but my wife insisted on waiting, assessing, evaluating, thinking, meditating, and all other forms of paralysis by analysis, that it's now more irresponsible to leave than to stay. The expressways heading North are all clogged up, and gas throughout the state is extremely limited. Unlike other hurricanes, this one threatens the entire state (rather than just south Florida for example). As such, the gas is in short supply throughout the state. A friend of mine recently arrived in Orlando, normally a 3 1/2 hour drive, in 9 hours! And forget catching a flight ANYWHERE. I think the cure may be worse than the disease at this point. Thankfully, I am well prepared, and my house is equipped with hurricane-impact windows and a new roof.

Yeah, I know Rick Scott keeps telling people to leave but where do they go, and how do they get there? It doesn't seem realistic to move millions of people. A friend of mine on the Gulf Coast made a similar decision. Let's hope it turns a little east and no matter what happens, best wishes to you and all Board members in the path of the storm for your safety.

ibuysportsephemera 09-07-2017 10:46 AM

Good luck and be safe.

My parents are in Boynton Beach and my wife's parents are in Hudson on the West coast. It will be an anxious weekend for all.


edjs 09-07-2017 10:49 AM

God bless you and you and your family will be in my prayers. If it is not too late, I suggest you re-consider and get out of there. I know baseball cards are last on someone's mind when facing a hurricane, but in your case I know you have a very magnificent and expensive collection. I hope they are somewhere safe, too. Best wishes to you.

orly57 09-07-2017 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by edjs (Post 1698779)
God bless you and you and your family will be in my prayers. If it is not too late, I suggest you re-consider and get out of there. I know baseball cards are last on someone's mind when facing a hurricane, but in your case I know you have a very magnificent and expensive collection. I hope they are somewhere safe, too. Best wishes to you.

Thanks guys. You know Ed, on Tuesday I decided to take my cards to the safety deposit box in my bank. I feared that during the hurricane, I may be faced with the decision of saving either the cards or my wife. I feared I would chose wrong, and save my wife. Since she doesn't fit in the box, I took the cards to the bank instead.

jcc6252 09-07-2017 10:59 AM

Good humor considering your circumstances! Be safe Orlando!

h2oya311 09-07-2017 11:07 AM

Oh man! I fear for you (and your cards). Stay safe and may your cards stay dry!

pow323 09-07-2017 11:11 AM

Stay safe Orlando!! I am here in Nokomis, FL just south of Sarasota. Hope it jogs out into the Atlantic before it gets to Miami! Take Care! Marc

KMayUSA6060 09-07-2017 11:14 AM

Thoughts and prayers are with you and everyone else in the Sunshine State and along the southeast coast. Really hoping this storm takes the path of going off into the Atlantic rather than making landfall and wreaking havoc.


smallpaul2002 09-07-2017 11:18 AM

My thoughts and prayers are with You, your family, and all of the residents of Florida and surrounding areas during this difficult time. Stay safe..

btcarfagno 09-07-2017 11:20 AM

I am hearing that a better idea than 95 might be to head west and then north towards and past Tampa. Lots of resorts and hotels over there. I agree that it is a tough call, but the Miami area could be in store for a real beatdown 48 hours from now.

Stay safe and dry whatever you end up doing. That goes for all net54ers in Florida and close to the ocean in Georgia and the Carolinas.

Tom C

btcarfagno 09-07-2017 11:32 AM

Scratch that. Now hearing 75 North might be an absolute debacle as well. Unless you know some back roads you can take.

Tom C

iowadoc77 09-07-2017 11:38 AM

Thanks for starting this thread Orlando. Your family and many others will be in my prayers. Praying for a shift to the East!

BruceinGa 09-07-2017 11:45 AM

I heard this morning that I75 was in total gridlock up to Gainesville.
Good luck Orlando

orly57 09-07-2017 11:51 AM

Yeah, it's a mess. We waited too long. After so many years of near-misses and false-alarms, people are afraid to overreact and leave too soon. That's what happened to us. I may take a long drive to Ocala (dead-center of Florida). My wife was able to reserve a hotel room there. I don't mind driving10 hours, it's the gas issue that concerns me. And, oh by the way, the hurricane could hit there too!

calvindog 09-07-2017 12:01 PM

Orlando, I've got that postcard for you we discussed; if you're in NY let me know and I can hand deliver it and save a few bucks on postage.

Big Six 09-07-2017 12:04 PM

Be safe Orlando...and everyone else who is in harm's way....

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

pawpawdiv9 09-07-2017 12:50 PM

Be safe bro!!!
I been watching it here in North Georgia. I know we will get some rain bands from it, but nothing compared to you guys.
That reminds me to hit ol' Bob in Savannah up and see what he is doing.

Stampsfan 09-07-2017 12:57 PM

Best of luck sir. My sister in law and her family bailed; told us it took them 9 hours to get from the Keys to Orlando. And she said all gas stations all the way had incredible lineups, if they even had gas. Their goal is to get to the Panhandle.

I sat through a Cat 4 in Daytona Beach when I was working there a number of years ago. Scary sh*t, especially for a Canadian not used to storms like that.

Again, prayers and best wishes to you, your family, and all residents.

Jobu 09-07-2017 01:03 PM

Stay safe!

I lived in New Orleans during Katrina and left the morning the storm hit and never once regretted that decision. We stayed for tropical storms and a Cat 1 and even being without power and access to stores for days on end is miserable even when there is no major damage.

Charge up all of your stuff now and turn off the wifi on your phone as soon as the power goes out as that kills the battery, I also suggest turning phones off when you aren't using them once the power goes out.

I don't know the elevation of your house and whether or not you have an attic/crawlspace, but make sure that you have an ax on the topmost level of your house just in case as it will be hard to get onto the roof without one.

Get your best cards in ziploc bags or something!!!

Good luck and stay safe.

Tony2311 09-07-2017 01:32 PM

Orlando - thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Residing in Houston, my family and I lived through Harvey over the last couple weeks.
Even though our home was spared, many Houstonians are not nearly as fortunate. The positive from this devastation, many neighbors, first responders, churches, local govt, complete strangers, people from all states, etc. have all come together to make a positive impact in helping Houstonians/Houston recover as quickly as possible by providing the basic necessities and anything else needed or required to help get them back in their homes. Sometimes a tragic situation brings out the very best in people.

ullmandds 09-07-2017 01:38 PM

be safe Orly...I wish you and your family well wishes.


DeanH3 09-07-2017 01:45 PM

I echo all the well wishes. Stay safe and prayers being sent. Good luck!

horzverti 09-07-2017 02:07 PM

Yes, best of luck to Orly and all in FL. I hope that after everything passes, all are safe and the damage is only limited. We'll all be pulling for you this weekend.

KingFisk 09-07-2017 03:23 PM

Good luck and God bless, Orlando, Mike K and everyone else who is in harm's way. Here is hoping for the best.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

jcmtiger 09-07-2017 05:59 PM

I'm in Fort Myers, staying put, Hurricane shutters up and new home in December 2015. Highways are full and not sure where I would go anyway. And gas is a problem traveling long distances. I thought back roads to Sebring, but might hit anywhere in the sate.


btcarfagno 09-07-2017 06:04 PM

I wonder if it might be a good idea for those of you in Florida to try to locate some local ham radio operators. Cell service may be destroyed and without power you may have no way to communicate with loved ones.

Tom C

mantlefan 09-07-2017 07:17 PM

Prayers for Orlando and his family, and for all those threatened by this fearful storm.

pherbener 09-07-2017 08:10 PM

Be safe Orly! Prayers your way and to all those in Irma's path.

chalupacollects 09-07-2017 08:21 PM

I don't know you and have never communicated with you as I have only been on the "Net" for less than a year, but if you are staying put and you probably already know/do this, make and find as much ice as you can, fill the coolers and freezers with it and put fresh water in the tub, fill the BBQ or stock up on charcoal.. Have many friends and co-workers in South Florida and Houston and all have told me ice is real important... may the lord carry you on his shoulders through this...

Brian Van Horn 09-08-2017 06:13 AM

Good luck, Orly. Just saw a news story that Hurricane Irma has downgraded to a category 4 storm. Not exactly great news, but for what it's worth it is an improvement.

Jenx34 09-08-2017 09:07 AM

I'm a little late to this thread but I have 2 things to offer...

1. Traffic cameras in South Florida don't look real bad this morning. It may be better to leave today than it was yesterday. My uncle stayed in Biloxi during Katrina (people forget MS got pounded as well) and told me later he would never do so again. He had his mom and wife and said he paced for hours. His words "Never will I stay and try to ride one out again!"

2. I know you said you took your cards to a safety deposit box, but if you have anything else you need to protect, load it up in your dishwasher. Water won't get in and it should be bolted to your counter making it less likely to be damaged. Unless you take on water higher than your counters, stuff in there should be protected. To be safe, put stuff in a trash bag or baggies and then in the dishwasher.

Good luck and God Bless!!

Jenx34 09-08-2017 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by chalupacollects (Post 1698975)
I don't know you and have never communicated with you as I have only been on the "Net" for less than a year, but if you are staying put and you probably already know/do this, make and find as much ice as you can, fill the coolers and freezers with it and put fresh water in the tub, fill the BBQ or stock up on charcoal.. Have many friends and co-workers in South Florida and Houston and all have told me ice is real important... may the lord carry you on his shoulders through this...

It was also suggested to fill the tub to your washing machine with ice and bottled water or other drinks. Throw a blanket over the top of the washer to help insulate it. If the power goes out it will keep drinks cold for awhile and keep you from opening your fridge every time you need a drink. Which allows the other ice in baggies you have put in it to keep whatever food you have longer.

WWG 09-08-2017 09:20 AM


Originally Posted by btcarfagno (Post 1698924)
I wonder if it might be a good idea for those of you in Florida to try to locate some local ham radio operators. Cell service may be destroyed and without power you may have no way to communicate with loved ones.

Tom C

You can also use the Zello app which turns your smartphone into a walkie talkie to communicate with others instantly.

btcarfagno 09-08-2017 09:26 AM


Originally Posted by WWG (Post 1699091)
You can also use the Zello app which turns your smartphone into a walkie talkie to communicate with others instantly.

You youngins and your new fangled doohickies think you are so dang smart!!!


Tom C

edjs 09-08-2017 09:30 AM


Originally Posted by btcarfagno (Post 1699092)
You youngins and your new fangled doohickies think you are so dang smart!!!


Tom C

Tom, the problem is, they are so dang smart.

frankbmd 09-08-2017 09:43 AM


Originally Posted by WWG (Post 1699091)
You can also use the Zello app which turns your smartphone into a walkie talkie to communicate with others instantly.

.......until the cell phone towers collapse.:eek:

WWG 09-08-2017 09:49 AM


Originally Posted by frankbmd (Post 1699101)
.......until the cell phone towers collapse.:eek:

It will still work, it uses WI FI.

btcarfagno 09-08-2017 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by WWG (Post 1699105)
It will still work, it uses WI FI.

Wouldn't the electric being out cause wifi to not be available?

Tom C

WWG 09-08-2017 11:06 AM


Originally Posted by btcarfagno (Post 1699111)
Wouldn't the electric being out cause wifi to not be available?

Tom C

If you're at home and lose power you may lose your local WiFi but if you're on the road you'll have access to the wide area network.

NiceDocter 09-08-2017 01:58 PM

Fellow Floridian here (Jacksonville) a ways up north but we are still going to get a whaling. Put a bunch of my collection that isnt in the bank safety deposit boxes in giant plastic bins or just tossed cardboard boxes into giant Hefty trash bags..... riding it out with water, flashlights, Raman noodles, charcoal grill, and some hotel reservations for AFTER the storm in case we are out of power for an extended period......after living here 32 years now, I can tell you the waiting is very hard, the storm usually not as bad, the aftermath variable between almost nothing and totally sucks..... last fall with Matthew we had trees down all over the place in our area, power lines on the ground, one tree bopped our house but not too bad, the next door neighbors got one right through the roof to the tune of about 100k. No power for a week..... but theres been others where we went right back to normal in a day...... seems kind of random. Anyhow from one crazy pack rat collector of anything sports for over 50 years..... God Bless all in the path and I know I speak for everyone in Florida when I say thank you everyone for your prayers and support ! And thanks for all the great posts with card pictures and research to all the posters in Net54 the greatest baseball card website in the world!!

orly57 09-08-2017 02:12 PM

Yeah, I just want this thing to hit already. Thanks for all the tips and prayers guys. It will be fine.

Mark 09-08-2017 02:19 PM

Good luck. We will be thinking about you.

RealToppsaholic 09-08-2017 03:28 PM

ORLANDO --I wish you and all those in area(s) safety we have there family too but they have left like most ...

I am sincerely sorry if you are un-happy with me as TOPPSAHOLIC or a person or both. Don't know you. Guessing I'm one of the few that has recently made it un-fun for you?
A shame. --cards is fun its our #1 MO. truth is we don't even really make money we just see moooore cards haha. have made myself entirely accessible to anyone with questions a lesser person wouldn't surface here -- sorry again, sincerely.... moving towards only graded stuff but its tough when you have a lot of low grade junk :<

Safe Travels to all those getting out of FLA and extra prayers for those staying put

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