View Full Version : using html in ebay descriptions

11-02-2002, 08:40 AM
Posted By: <b>runscott</b><p>This may be old news to most of you, but I am slowly getting acquainted with html and have figured out (finally) how to insert my own scans into ebay listings, thus avoiding the limitations of ebay's picture hosting. <BR><BR>Any time you see something in someone else's auction that you would like to do in your own listings, simply choose "view source" from your menu options. A new window will open which displays the html source. you can then dig around until you find the code relating to the feature you would like to "borrow", copy the code to another window for editing (notepad,etc.), then revise your listing and insert the code. <BR><BR>This works really great for scans where you have a really nice scan but ebay will only display a certain size. Upload the scan to your web-site and insert the code into your updated ebay listing, at the bottom, replacing the url with the url of the scan on your web-site:<BR><BR><p><BR><CENTER></CENTER>&lt;IMG src="<img src="http://www.homestead.com/runscott/files/greatcard.jpg">"<BR><p><BR><BR>Here's an example that worked really well for me, and you can see how you can get a much more detailed picture into your listing(slightly shameless plug, for educational purposes only): <a href="http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1577299389&ssPageName=ADME:B:LC:US:1" target=_new>http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1577299389&ssPageName=ADME:B:LC:US:1</a><BR><br><br>

11-02-2002, 08:47 AM
Posted By: <b>runscott</b><p>I tried to put the source code in the last post and net54 attempted to read it! If you need the source code, send me an email or do a "view source" from my Ruth listing and copy the code that has the "homestead.com/runscott" jpg image.<br><br>