View Full Version : Updated Auction Database?

08-22-2020, 08:57 AM
I've been back in the hobby for a few years, mostly on the memorabilia and ephemera side. Recently I've been dabbling more in auction houses, with mixed experiences.

However, the sheer number of AHs and how many auctions they run can be overwhelming. I could be tracking lots at 6 different places running auctions at the same time, only to find out an item I would have wanted most just got sold at a place I either never heard of or didn't realize they had an auction running at that time.

Personally I like some of the smaller AHs that fit my modest budget, but at the same time they can be hit or miss on quality of service. And unless they advertise here, I don't always know when they are running something.

I know there's a list in the Vintage Links section, but it seems outdated for some of the newer/smaller AHs and doesn't seem too comprehensive.

Is there a better list or does anyone have a tips to follow? Thanks!

08-22-2020, 10:15 AM

08-23-2020, 06:28 AM
Well my novice eyes have been opened now!

Thanks Tony!