View Full Version : Here's hoping 2020 is better.

Brian Van Horn
12-31-2019, 03:30 AM
Just would like to have the PWCC grading fiasco resolved (wishful thinking for the hobby). Also, some credibility in grading would be nice (wish number two). As for the debacle, here is a YouTube video:



12-31-2019, 10:38 AM
My 2020 Miracle Wish Come True Would be the following:
That one of the Alleged Major Big Time Facilitator of this Rat/Flip/Roll on a whole bunch of bad actors whom are all implicated on numerous different levels. Top down, it would be huge. Cooperate with the FBI for of the hobby and its collectors. Take a step to right so many of the wrongs.

I feel this would be a big step to truly clean up this industry.