View Full Version : Shout Out to mantlerulz...

02-27-2019, 04:48 PM
On ebay searching for cards that could advance my 1962 Topps Green Tints 'research,' I came across a wildly miscut card that would be helpful to my efforts. I sent the seller (mantlerulz) a message asking if he sent the card in a plain white envelope (instead of the usual $3+ shipping methods), would he accept a lower price for it (It's a card no normal human being would want. Ha ha.). He got back to me and talked about ebay's BS (my word, not his) TRS status policy, and how problematic it would be to not have a tracking number, etc. (I'm paraphrasing), but since he likes net54 so much, he offered to send me the card for free. He had my address from past purchases, dropped the card in the mail and it arrived quickly. It was such a magnanimous gesture, and he keeps rejecting my efforts to send him a couple of bucks, so let me say it here. Mantlerulz is beyond a stand-up seller. Go buy stuff from him!!!!

02-27-2019, 05:23 PM
I'll second mantlerulz...funny, I came here right after I just left him a mess of Positive feedback on ebay and saw this. This weekend Ebay was having issues with their shopping cart, he not only responded quickly to my questions, but gave me a number that isn't posted publicly. Got the issues address, bought 60 cards, all on Sunday...they are in my notebooks here on Wednesday.

Been buying from him for years...everytime I start, or restart, or do upgrades, I go to him first. His VG-EX is most peoples EX...cards ALWAYS show up better than stated...

02-28-2019, 07:43 AM
Thanks for sharing this info, guys. I have been looking for a new source to buy from. He has an extensive collection and nice scans.

Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk

02-28-2019, 08:59 AM
Always great to be reminded that strong customer service and this hobby of ours are not mutually exclusive in the 21st century. Thanks for sharing.