View Full Version : Any 1947 Tip Top Bread Collectors out there?

08-07-2017, 06:06 PM
I recently bought a small lot of 1947 Tip Top bread cards and have enjoyed them immensely (thank you CardinalCollector!).

Anyway, I was looking around the forum and Google and there is not a lot of information out there. I realize that there are 163 cards and it is considered a group of regional sets, but there doesn't seem to be a lot of "press coverage" on the set.

- Are there any other Net54 folks out there that collect 1947 Tip Top Bread?

- Is the lack of "press" on the set due to the:
a) lack of overall popularity
b) scarcity of the cards
c) regional nature of the "set"
d) all of the above?

Love to hear other folks' opinions/thoughts...

08-07-2017, 09:19 PM
I think this thread might be of some help. Unfortunately a lot of the pictures on no longer available due to photo bucket issues. Hope this helps.


08-07-2017, 09:37 PM
I collect the Yankees in this set......

http://photos.imageevent.com/tedzan77/images/websize/TIPTOPadv25x.jpg . http://photos.imageevent.com/tedzan77/images/websize/1947TipTopBreadBerra.jpg




08-08-2017, 02:46 PM
I might be somewhat biased, but I don't think 1947 Tip Tops get much respect. They are a tough regional, condition sensitive, and lots of stars.

Nice Marion by the way Jim:)

08-12-2017, 12:37 PM
I have been gathering them.
They are a tough set to complete in entirety, but I have no sense that I would ever come close to finishing. Doesn't matter to me.

There are a lot of reprints out there, some poor , some quite deceiving to the unitiated.
I myself, may have a couple but they didn't break the bank. You need to be careful buying them.

I am still gathering these at a snail's pace amongst other projects, they are certainly cool. I might have 25 now. The St. Louis players, both leagues are seemingly the most populous. Other team like the Cubs are the opposite.

The set features plenty of both the HOF player and the obscure player, just after WW2. They are baseball cards, what's not to like:p:p:p