View Full Version : Cards stolen? misplaced?

07-06-2016, 08:10 AM
Possibly I've just forgotten where I put these, but I've checked a couple of times in every place I could think of where I might keep my cards, and they do appear to be missing. Everything else is right where it should be. I've had several people working at the house in the past couple of months for a new AC installation and repair, and these might have just been out in the open on a shelf in the house during that time so theft is possible, but it seems unlikely (right?) that any one of those few people would both take the time to snoop around and would recognize the cards as valuable. I was in the house the whole time, which i presume makes it even less likely. Hoping they just ended up boxed away with some unrelated stuff during spring cleaning. Anyway, I wanted to put out an APB for these two overprint E94s. They're distinctive enough that there shouldn't be any question if there's a match. Please let me know if you see them show up for sale anywhere, and I'll post an update if I locate them. Thanks.

07-06-2016, 08:38 AM
Hopefully one of the workers didn't steal the cards. I "lost" a box of cards quite a few years ago. A couple years later I was looking through some some stuff and found the cards. I have also had a worker steal from me while working inside my house. It wasn't cards. He stole a gold chain and $125-150 in quarters. I hope you find out what happened. Watch Ebay to see if the cards show up on there.

On a side note, I find it humorous that YOUR was used wrong on the back of the Magee card. Should be YOU'RE.

Aquarian Sports Cards
07-06-2016, 09:05 AM
I actually had to go back to a house I sold after I had been moved out for a month and ask if I could co into the drop ceiling in the basement to retrieve a few cards. Was my primitive security measure, who would ever look in a drop ceiling? They were still there.

07-23-2016, 10:51 AM
Found them. Just left them in an odd place hidden on a bookshelf.

07-23-2016, 11:05 AM
Great news.
I once misplaced my whole workforces pay one week!
I had to rush to the bank and replace it.
Literally months later I found it stashed in a kitchen drawer under the cutlery!!

Den*nis O*Brien
07-24-2016, 07:44 AM
Found them. Just left them in an odd place hidden on a bookshelf.
I think you will find that as you get older there will be similar mysteries and resolutions befalling you....at an increasingly accelerated rate. At our house my saying "I'm missing a baseball card !!!" has become a mantra/joke.

07-24-2016, 08:21 AM
I know the feeling. Every card that I list on eBay is carefully placed in a storage box. I have it setup in 26 sections for each letter of the alphabet. So, when the auction ends, I can easily find the card based on the players last name. Every so often, I go to retrieve a card under a specific letter and the card is missing. The first thought is that the people who clean my house stole it. My heart drops. How do I explain to the buyer? I then go thru each of the 26 sections, and find that I placed it in the wrong section. A Cobb card might have ended up under T instead of C. It's those few minutes of panic that chip away years from my life.:eek:

07-24-2016, 09:53 AM
Getting old, not for the faint-hearted.

07-24-2016, 01:16 PM
I had a super bizarre case a couple years ago. One day all of a sudden I couldn't find a book of through the mail autographs/in person autographs I had. I had brought them to a card shop a couple days earlier to show the owner who I was friends with. A kid and his father ( who was an NFL ref) looked through the cards. I knew nobody there took them but I called the owner and no dice. Though he kept a look out for the cards til he closed. After a day of looking I open a box and notice my watches were gone. Called the police, turns out someone had just walked in and helped themselves when a family member left a door unlocked, the guy walked by 1000's of dollars of cards clearly out in boxes and safes and took pretty much worthless ( but very sentimental) in person and ttm autographs, even minor leaguer signed balls. Never found the cards though I do have a couple ideas as to who probably stole them. It was very odd.

07-24-2016, 02:01 PM
Glad you found them !!!

I usually find "missing" cards left in my scanner !!!!

What a drag it is getting old (but fun also :))