View Full Version : Idea for a N54 contest

02-04-2016, 03:25 PM
We've all seen comically bad fakes listed (and even sold!) on eBay for ridiculous prices. Courtesy of another thread, see the worst Paige RC ever (http://www.net54baseball.com/showthread.php?t=217621) as an example.

So here is what would be a fun contest--

Each N54 member gets $5K in play money to spend.
Goal is to assemble the worst possible collection off of eBay.
Card prices based on BIN, sold, or current high bid.

If Leon sees this, maybe he can sponsor the contest with an N54 shirt. On my end, I would be happy to autograph a baseball as Micky Mantle. ;)

02-04-2016, 04:01 PM
We've all seen comically bad fakes listed (and even sold!) on eBay for ridiculous prices. Courtesy of another thread, see the worst Paige RC ever (http://www.net54baseball.com/showthread.php?t=217621) as an example.

So here is what would be a fun contest--

Each N54 member gets $5K in play money to spend.
Goal is to assemble the worst possible collection off of eBay.
Card prices based on BIN, sold, or current high bid.

If Leon sees this, maybe he can sponsor the contest with an N54 shirt. On my end, I would be happy to autograph a baseball as Micky Mantle. ;)

When I click on your link, it says I don't have access/permission or I am not logged on to view it?
Not exactly sure what that means, unless there is an elite club or something, because I am obviously logged on.

I have seen this before with other links, but paid no attention until now.

Leon, any idea why that comes out on me?

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