View Full Version : Hope and a prayer

01-23-2016, 03:42 PM

We all hope and pray all are safe from the snow storms on the east coast. Definitely one of the largest storms in their history and travel can be hazardous and dangerous at best. I of course have all the luck in that SGC finished my 7 card submission including my E121-80 Frank Baker card and shipped it back to me on the day the storm began. Just checked tracking and Fedex has it located in Newark New Jersey right in the heart of the storm. You can bet that this one doesn't arrive by the promised date and I am fine with this as people and safety are paramont. My hope is that the cards do not get misplaced or lost in the storm. Please pray for Frank Baker. :-)

01-23-2016, 03:55 PM
Gee, I could have went to SGC on Friday and picked them up for you to keep them safe. I am just over an hour away just north of Philadelphia. I am actually going to drive up there next week to have a T206 upside down reverse (Tolstoi) authenticated. Hope they arrive safely!

01-23-2016, 03:57 PM
Snow won't be a problem when move to Boca Raton.

Ive a sub there now. It can't be processed if they can't get to work.

01-23-2016, 04:45 PM
To be honest about it, I would have rather had SGC hold on to the cards until the emergency was over. It's not like the press didn't announce the danger before the storm hit. It would be better for Mr Baker to be sitting in at SGC's warm office than to be shacked up with Fedex in a warehouse facility in god knows where. Hopefully he will be safe.

01-23-2016, 05:23 PM
Ken, relax.

01-23-2016, 05:28 PM
Ken, relax.

OMG Peter!!! Now you really have me nervous. LMAO. At least the cards are insured at the appropriate amount but the Baker is the first E121-80 "Frank Baker" that SGC has ever graded. One of the few cards of this type known to exist. Basically it is not replaceable. Granted it is a piece of cardboard, but cardboard is the reason this board exists.

01-23-2016, 05:32 PM
LOLOL it is probably a good thing we don't know what goes on.