View Full Version : Reach Baseball Guide Help

01-07-2016, 11:20 AM
Looking for help on which edition of the Reach Baseball guide that this page came from.


Gibson played for Montreal in 1904 & 05, so the page must be from one of these years. Were their 2 editions in 1905?
If anyone has these guides, and some extra time, could you browse your books for this page? It would be much appreciated.

Thanks, Marty

01-07-2016, 12:01 PM
The photo doesn't appear to be in the 1904 or 1906 guides. It was likely shown in a 1905 Reach guide, although 1905 is not shown on the following (AWESOME) website:


01-07-2016, 01:34 PM
Looking for help on which edition of the Reach Baseball guide that this page came from.Gibson played for Montreal in 1904 & 05, so the page must be from one of these years. Were their 2 editions in 1905? If anyone has these guides, and some extra time, could you browse your books for this page? It would be much appreciated.
Thanks, Marty

That composite wasn't in the Reach Guide; it was in the 1905 Spalding Guide on page 44: https://archive.org/stream/spaldingsbasebal19051chic#page/n53/mode/2up

01-07-2016, 01:47 PM
Thanks RUKen. Thanks Derek.

That was quick. You guys rule!

Cheers, Marty

01-07-2016, 02:01 PM
Its freaking amazing how much knowledge and how helpful the people here are.