View Full Version : Donating Cards..

11-12-2015, 08:52 AM
Guys-- each year I donate my late 80's and 90's sports commons(ya know, the junk that isn't worth anything and just sits in a box) to teachers so they can pass them out to their students- like a gold star. Sometimes it is local teachers, other times I mail out the cards to teachers in my hometown. Well, this year I'm starting to get a little low and don't want to disappoint. Does anyone out there have cards they are about to use as a fire starter in the near future, and would like to donate them?

Not only are you helping out teachers who make very little money, you are also putting cards in the hands of our youth who are way too much into video games, iPads, etc.

If you would like to contribute, please shoot me a pm or email. Appreciate all of the help!

Nathanieldevlin at yahoo dot com