View Full Version : Would it be worth it to have this card graded? (N172)

11-04-2015, 07:00 PM
Myers. I mean the most it could get would be an "authentic" grade and I know it is authentic. Cut out of an old scrapbook with the scrapbook page still pasted on the back where I cut it out and the bottom was trimmed off years ago before it was pasted in.

Should I even bother or just keep it as it is in the screwdown I put it in?

https://fbcdn-photos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xat1/v/t1.0-0/p206x206/12196037_10208179181097442_8430747330859535761_n.j pg?oh=1080e4ae5c47106f8cf9af957bfe0b71&oe=56F87819&__gda__=1456216088_32a8760ddead269a821404708cc918f 7

11-04-2015, 07:08 PM
If you have other N172s in holders and prefer consistency, get it graded. If you have other raw N172s either in penny sleeves or top loaders or binder pages, throw it in with those.

Looks like you are also collecting a beater T206 set. Would you rather add a couple more cards to your collection or use the $15+ (s/h both ways + grading fee) to have a trimmed Myers in an authentic holder? Your call :) FWIW I have all my N172s (range from beaters to nice HOFers) all in binders so I may be biased.

11-04-2015, 07:16 PM
I think it depends if you would like to re-sell it in the future or not. If it is for your own collection leave it. if down the road you want to move it..in my experience you will get more $ if it is in a PSA holder. As far as what kind of holder to keep it in goes...I like to keep my collection in all of the same type of holders as it makes them easier to store, hold, play with, etc....Any way you go you win because the Old Judge cards are great to have.

11-04-2015, 07:16 PM
If you have other N172s in holders and prefer consistency, get it graded. If you have other raw N172s either in penny sleeves or top loaders or binder pages, throw it in with those.

Looks like you are also collecting a beater T206 set. Would you rather add a couple more cards to your collection or use the $15+ (s/h both ways + grading fee) to have a trimmed Myers in an authentic holder? Your call :) FWIW I have all my N172s (range from beaters to nice HOFers) all in binders so I may be biased.

Good point! The money is better spent to grow my T206 collection :) This is the only N172 I own so it should be fine as is. Had I more money I would have a beater OJ collection also.

11-04-2015, 07:22 PM
No reason to holder that one.

11-04-2015, 10:01 PM
Thanks for starting the n172 threads...always fun to talk about this set and hear what others think... I leave all my cards the way I find them, in other words, I don't crack slabs, but I don't send cards off for grading. Here's one of the better condition OJ's that I have...it's in an SGC 40 Holder...

11-04-2015, 10:40 PM
I don't really collect OJs, but agree that there's no real reason to send that one in. If you got any more when re-selling it would probably just cover what you paid to grade it if you're lucky. And it doesn't sound like you're planning to sell it any time soon.

11-05-2015, 06:03 AM
Does anybody's experience with OJ's find them to be outside of the stated size of 1 7/16" x 2 1/2" or is that size pretty consistent most the time unless trimmed?

I know I have a raw card that is a bit thinner than 1 7/16" but is longer than 2 1/2".

11-13-2015, 06:25 PM
I put a bid on two OJ's on ebay this week and a usual did not win either one.

I have a PLAN of a "type set" of OJ I want to collect but a lack of OJ cards :)

Since I have a Myers (catcher) card I want to eventually build a "Fantasy Team Set" meaning I want a card of a pitcher and a card for each infielder and outfielder. That would be a total of 9 cards which I estimate would be around 600 bucks total going by current ebay pricings for faded "common" N172 cards.....even though I believe their may be less than 100 of each so called "common" in existence.