View Full Version : Help with a DiMaggio bat, part I

04-20-2015, 04:12 PM
I bought this nice old store model Joe DiMaggio bat recently. I am trying to date it, but am having trouble.
It has the "TRADE MARK REG" outside the oval, so I think that is 1930-1947.
But is also has "Oil Tempered" to the right, so is that 1993-ish?
The problem with that is that Joe of course didn't play in the bigs until 1936.

Did the "Oil Tempered" stay on the bats until later?


04-20-2015, 05:32 PM
Foil stamped bats from H&B tend not to always follow along the 125 date pattern. This is a mid century store model end of line bat

The oil temp was found on bats until a couple of years ago

04-20-2015, 06:10 PM
Thank you!!!