View Full Version : Clint Castleberry cards....

03-25-2015, 03:56 PM
Were there any distributed cards of Georgia Tech running back/WWII aviator Clint Castleberry from either 1942 (freshman season, 2nd in Heisman voting) or 1943? Maybe even an issue upon his death in the war?

I purchased a lot of homemade cards about 5 years ago on eBay which were made on a ledger book-type card stock by presumably a kid in the 1940s. Images were probably clipped from game programs, and the players' name, height, and weight were typed onto the bottom of the card. Backs are blank except for some being lined.

https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/317841_10150791488050243_345875438_n.jpg?oh=aea09b dcd188a25d7063dc8b9e774535&oe=55AC6AA8&__gda__=1436927495_ef385b77084bec6da6133808bb8e533 6

Clint was nicknamed the "Crazed Jackrabbit" by Grantland Rice, based on his uncanny ability to break tackles and race down the field. He died when the B-26 he was co-piloting went down in Europe.

Checking COMC, PSA, and Google Images, I don't see anything that would be considered a card of his. Might this be the only Clint Castleberry "card" still in existence? Surprised he's never been featured in a modern set like Goodwin's Champions or Allen & Ginter.