View Full Version : Alex Rodriguez Card ID help

02-05-2015, 01:36 PM
Anyone have any idea what this is? It says Topps Heritage and has the 1956 Topps 'look' to it which would put it in the 2005 range maybe? Numbered 085/100 from a supposed set of 6 and in the holder it came in, I THINK I got it at the national as a redemption but I have no real idea.....? Anyone? Sure doesn't look much like A-Rod.....well the action part of it does but the head shot looks odd.....maybe it's an early photo pre-ROID-rookie............



02-05-2015, 03:05 PM
PSA has a record of grading this card: "2005 Topps Heritage Chrome 3 Alex Rodriguez" It doesn't specify what the print run was, but it's probably part of this series.

02-05-2015, 03:25 PM
thats not the 2005 chrome because he was in a yankees uni on that card. you had to have gotten it at national because the only SP of ARod was him in a yankees uni either hitting or fielding. that was the difference.

Rich Klein
02-06-2015, 07:13 AM
2005 Topps Hawaii Trade Conference and says it's numbered to 100 and says Seattle Uniform.

It's a match

No value is given
