View Full Version : Online Photography Identification Course

10-30-2014, 10:39 AM
If anyone wants to take a free online course in photograph identification/authentication course starting in late November/early December, let me knew. It's the full course, covering photography from the origin in the 1800s to today, with me as the teacher, but since it's the first test run it's free and I need some 'guinea pig' students.

The design and purpose of the course is to have students be able to identify and date a photograph, whether it's from 1870 or 1998. It will cover all areas of photography, including Daguerreotypes, tintypes, cabinet cards, real photo postcards, rare types, news photos, modern color photograhy, etc.

The course is designed for beginners. You just have to be motivated and willing to participate in discussions. If you know nothing about photographs but want to learn, great.

The course would be somewhat similar to an online book club, with a weekly reading and chat board discussion led by me. As I understand everyone has lives and isn't a full time student, it would be run at a reasonable pace-- say a reading a week.

Duly note that I already have people signed up and there are only a handful of spots left open. If you miss out, the course will be run in the future, but this is the only free dry run.

If you want to receive credit for finishing the course (certificate of completion), there is a final test and homework to be submitted at the end-- but that is completely optional. If you don't like or want to take a test, and want to just learn and/or treat the course as a book club, that is perfectly fine. The test is done after the course, so you don't even have to decide right away anyway.

Thanks in advance,

10-30-2014, 10:26 PM
Class is filled. Thanks.

10-31-2014, 03:25 AM
Damn, missed the cutoff :mad:

10-31-2014, 12:04 PM
Don't worry. The same class will be done again in the future. My philosophy was, for teaching purposes, to limit the individual class size.

11-01-2014, 02:10 PM
Hey there David,

I'm curious to see if those of us who were interested & missed out for whatever reason... Could at least some how follow along with the Class?
Not participating of course, following along when we were able to... just for the knowledge sake.
I'm a great fan of repetitive learning, keeps me sharp I suppose.

just a hopeful thought...

11-02-2014, 03:34 PM
This would be fun if you do this again.