View Full Version : PSA easy suggestions/idea to do...

10-03-2014, 04:47 PM
they should make 'mid grade' set rankings...like anyone with a psa 3-5 etc.

Thus people would be more apt to collect more of these lesser value cards who could end up high on the rankings within their class ..they could be in both regular set rankings and the mid grade...i think it would promote more colecting the 1952 topps for example

another would be when you run a certification number, it could say who owns or whoever owned the card. If those people chose to have their emails shown you could contact them to see if theres perhaps a fake cert number with the same name (somoene just copied an existing cert number) or to trace its history to verify a card such as a mantle

yes i know not every card is on the inventory but better than the nothing that goes on now