View Full Version : JFK Auto Help!

09-28-2014, 06:45 PM
Hello fellas,

I need some help on a JFK letter I have been offered...any feedback is appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

09-28-2014, 06:48 PM
Looks like auto pen or secretarial to me

09-28-2014, 07:48 PM
The photo isn't really clear enough to see the ink, but I from what can be seen of the evenness I would say autopen. Also, with JFK letters, it's helpful to look at the content of the whole letter. A TON of letters are autopen, and almost all of the form letter style ones are. Do you have a scan of the whole letter? From the piece that is visible I would guess it's a generic letter where info is filled in, asking someone to report for physical examination I assume? Note how it mentions the different branches of the armed forces, etc.

09-28-2014, 07:52 PM
The photo isn't really clear enough to see the ink, but I from what can be seen of the evenness I would say autopen. Also, with JFK letters, it's helpful to look at the content of the whole letter. A TON of letters are autopen, and almost all of the form letter style ones are. Do you have a scan of the whole letter? From the piece that is visible I would guess it's a generic letter where info is filled in, asking someone to report for physical examination I assume? Note how it mentions the different branches of the armed forces, etc.

It is exactly that,, a report for physical examination.