View Full Version : Who are the known or rumored famous original T206 collectors?

09-15-2014, 08:00 PM
I know that F Scott Fitzgerald famously collected T206 cards back in the day. Are there any other famous people who are known or rumored to have collected them back when they first came out? Were there ever any youngsters who went on to a major league career who collected them back then? Not looking just for ones that are verifiable due to a back stamp like the Fitzgeralds.

Just interested to know if others who later became famous or later had a major league career are rumored to have collected T206 or are known to have done so.

Thanks for any help.

Tom C

09-16-2014, 06:24 AM
He's no F Scott Fitzgerald wide-spread-fame-wise, but Richard B. Russell, former governor of Georgia and US Senator, has his boyhood collection at the University of Georgia.


09-16-2014, 07:12 AM
I was corrected via PM and should clarify that I do not "Know" that F Scott Fitzgerald collected T206. I was just going by the threads that I have seen here and assumed that it was a certainty that he did.

The gist of my post is not regarding Fitzgerald per se. I am more interested in others who are rumored to have collected them as a child who went on to become famous or who went on to play major league baseball. There doesn't need to be proof such as the above post regarding the former governor (which is incredibly cool by the way...and a ty Cobb back to boot!!!). Has anyone read something where so-and-so gave an interview where he said he collected as a kid. Anything like that as well as doumented cases such as Fitzgerald (possibly) and the former governor.

Tom C

09-16-2014, 10:06 AM
Frank Burkett?

09-16-2014, 10:21 AM
I was corrected via PM and should clarify that I do not "Know" that F Scott Fitzgerald collected T206.

LOL... Well I knew F Scott Fitzgerald and he was the biggest T206 collector on the planet. Just kidding, I have no idea. But I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night so its probably true? Nah, I have no idea. Love the PMs when I do someting wrong though.

09-16-2014, 10:52 AM
Frank Burkett?

I am pretty sure Frank Burkett knew F. Scott Fitzgerald, he should be able to settle this once and for all. Frank, did he collect T206 or not?

09-16-2014, 11:24 AM
Tom Selleck....... allegedly!

09-16-2014, 01:44 PM

09-16-2014, 01:51 PM
I am talking about back in the day. 1909-1911. Anyone who became famous or later became a major league ballplayer who collected back when the cards first came out?

Tom C