View Full Version : An Interesting New 1970 Variation

05-05-2014, 01:47 AM
As I've stated many times before, my idea of a true variation is when the printers intentionally made changes to a card in between print runs, thus creating specific differences between the two versions of a card. Then there are other oddities that exist and don't fit that notion, but are quite interesting nonetheless.

Check out this 1970 Joe Morgan card. At the top border there appears to be a pinhole there to the left of the 'A' in Astros. My first thought was that some kid in Texas had this card pinned to his bedroom wall between sexy photos of Angie Dickinson and 'Hanoi Jane' Fonda…but as you can see, I've located a few that have the very same dark anomaly. It's not a pinhole, but a stray blob of black. If nothing else, it's bizarre placement exactly where a pinhole would appear is very intriguing to me.

So, for you guys who collect these types of minor variations, add 1970 #537 to your checklist.


Edited to add: I just ran across an ebay auction that has "top middle dot" in its description, so maybe this variation was already known?? Or…perhaps the seller is just pointing out what he believes to be a defect/mark on the card?? He offers no other info.

05-05-2014, 07:28 AM
I had not heard anything about this one, Darren, and was able to pick up one right away on ebay :)

Do you know if there is any corresponding mark on the back of the card associated with the dot ?

Notice what looks like a blemish on the neck of Steve Hargan in this 67 card below. I believe it is a scarce but not rare print defect because in each case where the mark occurs on the front ( it is not on most of his cards), there is a larger black round spot on the back of the card.


05-05-2014, 09:21 AM
Nice job spotting this one Darren.....any ideas on a ratio(have dot/not have dot) for this card?

05-05-2014, 11:53 AM
When I bought one on ebay this morning there were 7 of 94

05-05-2014, 01:08 PM
When I bought one on ebay this morning there were 7 of 94

Thanks Al...a respectable ratio in regards to the rarity of a variant. My guess is that within a day or so, the ratio will have changed and this card will be even rarer.

05-05-2014, 02:58 PM
Darren has a good eye for this stuff

05-06-2014, 10:18 PM
I wonder if one can be found with and without the dot in both a cream back and white back?