View Full Version : Mathewson Dark Cap

Bryan Long
11-12-2013, 08:27 AM
I have decided to take on the daunting task of completing the Mathewson Dark Cap run. I know that card supposedly exists in every back combination - with the exception of the red Hindu...I think. Is there a website out there that list each card and the back combinations each card comes in? I know t206resource has this information as long as you are willing to take the time and dig through the pages, but I wasn't sure if anyone out there has already done the work for me. :) Also, since I have managed to pick up some hard ones before tackling the easy ones I was hoping some of the members would be willing to post their hard to find backs so that I know that they at least exist and not just speculation. For example, anyone here have a UZIT back? If I'm not mistaken that gives this pose 36 card back combinations...is that right?
Thanks in advance.

11-12-2013, 08:40 AM
Nice project.

Good luck !

11-12-2013, 08:41 AM
Good luck!


Bryan Long
11-12-2013, 08:42 AM
Thanks. I will need it.

Zach - I guess I didn't look hard enough on the site huh. Oops, but thanks for giving me that!!!!

Bryan Long
11-12-2013, 08:45 AM
Only 21 possible backs. Better than I thought.

the 'stache
11-12-2013, 08:50 AM
Happy hunting, Bryan. Please just leave one common back for me ;)

11-12-2013, 09:21 AM
Only 21 possible backs. Better than I thought.

I think you should go after the "possible, not confirmed" backs!

I have a well-loved Piedmont 350-460 Factory 25. I'm collecting portraits if you're interested.;)

Bryan Long
11-12-2013, 09:24 AM
Oh that is the plan as of now, but I will surely keep my eyes open for the others. :) I may be wrong in my thinking, but it seems hard to imagine these days of a back combination existing and people not knowing about it. I know it happens, but with a set like t206 it seems a pretty rare occurrence that something new pops up, especially a back front combo never seen before. Again I may be wrong.

11-12-2013, 09:49 AM
I have decided to take on the daunting task of completing the Mathewson Dark Cap run. I know that card supposedly exists in every back combination - with the exception of the red Hindu...I think. Is there a website out there that list each card and the back combinations each card comes in? I know t206resource has this information as long as you are willing to take the time and dig through the pages, but I wasn't sure if anyone out there has already done the work for me. :) Also, since I have managed to pick up some hard ones before tackling the easy ones I was hoping some of the members would be willing to post their hard to find backs so that I know that they at least exist and not just speculation. For example, anyone here have a UZIT back? If I'm not mistaken that gives this pose 36 card back combinations...is that right?
Thanks in advance.


First..I can tell you for certain that this Matty card was NOT printed with AMERICAN BEAUTY 460 or UZIT backs. I tried this run years ago, and got as far as 16 different backs.
Then, other T206 projects distracted me. I traded (or sold) my PIEDMONT 350, SWEET CAP 350 (Factory 25 & 30) & SWEET CAP 460 (Factory 30 & 42 ovprint), CYCLE 350 & 460),

From my experience, I can tell you that the SOVEREIGN 460 is very tough to find. And, if you are considering the 1910 COUPON, it is really tough to find.






Good luck on this project.


Bryan Long
11-12-2013, 09:52 AM
I appreciate the info and the scans. I feel better then knowing that I managed to grab the Sovereign 460 this weekend. As for the Coupon, I think right now I had better stick to the t206s. :)

11-12-2013, 12:17 PM
Not my card but there is a blank back out there as well as two yellow brown scraps.

Good luck with the run, doing a super print is fun as there are lots of backs.


Bryan Long
11-18-2013, 09:33 AM
Since I have managed to grab some of the harder to find backs recently I am very curious what backs may exist in the collections of the board members here. Specifically, does any one have the Red Hindu? What about a Lenox back? Or a Broadleaf 350? These are all possible but not confirmed from what I can find, but I also know that there are tons of collections out there that are not graded and the population reports do not tell the full story.

For those that are curious, I have managed to get:

Piedmont 350 to 460
Piedmont 350
Sweet Cap 350 to 460
Sovereign 460
Old Mill
Carolina Brights
American Beauty 350

Some are in hand and others are on their way, but they should be close enough to list. :) A long way away from the final goal, but a decent start to say the least I think.

11-18-2013, 11:18 AM
dark cap matty is a great choice!
It's always been a favorite. In fact, it's the first T206 I ever bought--- around
20 years ago---a polar bear.
all the best in your quest,

Bryan Long
11-18-2013, 11:32 AM
Thanks Barry - I'm not really sure what I have gotten myself into but we shall see.

11-18-2013, 11:59 AM
Bryan, when you list the backs, remember to include the factory numbers of the Sweet Caporal and Piedmont 460 backs.

I assume that the Pied 460 is factory 25, but check just in case. You might have a Factory 42. :D

Bryan Long
11-18-2013, 01:44 PM
It is a factory 25 and not a 42. Thanks for giving me a heads up though. :D

11-18-2013, 01:50 PM
You've already put a dent in that list. Good luck!