View Full Version : 1895 N300 Mayo Kid Nichols

07-18-2013, 12:16 PM
Greetings, I was wondering if the 1895 Mayo Kid Nichols card is one of the more difficult cards from the set to acquire? I do not see it available very often. What are the top 10 toughest cards from the 1895 Mayo set? Look forward to some comments.

07-18-2013, 12:19 PM
The Mayo Nichols is considered by many collectors to be his MLB rookie card as well so some might be tucked away in collections for that reason.

07-18-2013, 12:30 PM
I consider Kid Nichols to be in the top 5 for most desired and tougher cards to find.---I would put Delahanty # 1---it is on most wantlists---Some other hard to find Mayos are Russie(Incorrect spelling)---Dan Brothers (Louisville version) a nice Centered Anson is hard to find. I also find that 2 commons are very tough George Haddock and Kinslow with the no team on shirt variation---Just my thoughts--I made a major purchase 2 years ago on the Mayos---I picked up 82 from a collector in NH--They were his grandfathers.