View Full Version : Card ID help

02-14-2012, 01:01 PM
Hi Guys,
A friend of mine brought a box of cards over and there were some cards I did not recognize. Can anyone help? They are of C.H. Rowland and Ray Schalk, so it had to be issued between 1915-18. Thanks!

02-14-2012, 01:13 PM
They resemble the 1917 Chicago White Sox Team Issue cards. However, since only one set is known to exist, either he hit the jackpot, or picked up a couple of the reprints. Sorry, but it looks like the latter. :(

02-14-2012, 01:14 PM
1917 Chicago White Sox Team Issue David Printing Works in Chicabog and sold as a complete boxed set. Cards meansure 1-11/16" x 2-3/4"

Fronts feature full lenght black and white photos of the players on a light background with a white border.

Edited to add: Glen you beat me to it. Yes, above is straight from Lemke's Standard Catalog. The real ones look like they have a whiter border and sharper images. Also the one in the catalog appears to have a different font.