View Full Version : The Pride of the Yankees - Did anyone notice the Ruth Rookie card?

11-29-2010, 05:06 AM
I just watched "The Pride of the Yankees". I haven't watched it in over 30 years. When watching it this time, I noticed something interesting. In the scene where Lou Gehrig was a kid and he asked whether he could play in a sandlot game. He offered some baseball cards to another kid that he had in his hand. I believe he said that he had some Caporals including Wagner. They were never shown. In addition he said that he had a Ruth rookie which he did show to the other kid. It certainly looked like the real thing. Movie was made in 1942, so the card wasn't considered rare back then. I just wonder where that card ended up.

By the way, the movie was excellent!

11-29-2010, 05:51 PM
Here's a pic of the babe Ruth card from the movie


11-29-2010, 08:17 PM
What issue would it be from? I remember reading a few Gehrig biographies that also included scenes of him trading for a Wagner.

11-29-2010, 09:13 PM
Looks like a movie prop.

11-29-2010, 09:48 PM
I agree, a prop. Those guys were, and still are, whiz's at making stuff.

11-30-2010, 05:29 AM
So, they were even passing fakes way back in the 40's. :eek:

11-30-2010, 02:49 PM
I bet rarerookies can you get you an aged one for $5.00 if you ask him. :rolleyes: