View Full Version : W551 regrade question

08-22-2010, 09:40 AM
I was the high bidder on the W551 high grade set at the Legacy auction yesterday. I am looking to resell the cards at a profit and am wondering about submiting them to PSA. I know that SGC is often the grader of choice for cards from this era, but the PSA graded cards still seem to garner more $$.

These strip cards concern me upon regrade however, as I do not know if they will meet PSA specifications for size and instead be graded authentic.

But on the plus side of regrading with PSA, assuming they garner the same grades as with SGC (leap of faith there I know...but bear with me) the set would easily be #1 on the registry and it would not even be close. 6 of the 10 would be the single highest graded example extant, and 3 of the other four would be tied.

In your opinion, would the cards sell for more in a PSA holder....enough so to take the risk inherent with such a regrade?

Thank guys.

Tom C

08-22-2010, 10:08 AM
I have my own pet peeves on the grading of strip cards but that aside, unfortunately, I think they would sell for more in high grade PSA holders due to the registry. On the plus side you can always cut them a little more to enhance the grade :o. I will never totally understand the grading of strip cards.....

and to answer the question, I have no idea about risk vs reward on resubmitting these.....sorry 'bout that

08-22-2010, 10:56 AM
Agreed...all else being equal, I think you'll do better in PSA holders than SGC, especially if you can find a buyer out there with set registry aspirations. Good luck!