View Full Version : 1920-1930 Boxing Autographs - Junk or Treasure?

03-22-2010, 07:27 PM
I was at a old book store recently and came across a old autograph book contaning pages signed by boxers/wrestlers from the 1920's-1930's. I dont know much about boxing, but the book looked very cool. If anyone has information on any of these boxers please let me know...Junk or Treasure???

Sammy (or Sonny) Ford
Joe Costello
Bruce Robert
Moose J Sroche
Ruffy or Bobby R??List
Frankie Gobol
Jose Amedor (puerto rico)
Johnny Gabar
Felipe ????
best regards Farmer Brown
Santiago Acosta
Marleue Parker
Roy Rogers
Tiger Maldy
Rudy Nuvelito (champ from P.Rico)
Dick Hall
Francisco Flores (Puerto Rico)
Jose Betancourt
Buddy Blake
Duke Demetri
Lou ----z
corrone cordero ( yours in sports)
Bob Marogal
Bob Sabre
Ruffy Siverstein
Billy Goeb
Bob Cromie ( chicago tribune)
Manuel Cortez

The spelling may be WAY off being it is difficult to make out the signatures..Any help would be GREATLY appreciated on who these people are...thanks

03-22-2010, 08:13 PM
I think "Billy Goeb" might be Billy Goelz.

Jerry G
03-22-2010, 09:43 PM
How about Lou Thez? Great wrestling champion.

03-23-2010, 04:21 AM
Thanks..I think both of those names work, I'm still trying to figure out the others